At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun and held
in the City of Annapolis on the Twenty-first Day of
January, 1970, and Ending on the Thirty-first Day of
March, 1970, Marvin Mandel, being Governor of the State,
the following Laws were enacted, to wit:
(House Bill 4)
AN ACT to add new Section 15D to Article 41 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1969 Supplement), title "Governor—Executive
and Administrative Departments," subtitle "The Executive De-
partment," to follow immediately after Section 15C thereof and
to be under the new subheading "Lieutenant Governor," providing
for the election of a Lieutenant Governor, making provision for
his qualifications, election, duties, functions, and salary, and also
providing for the status of the Lieutenant Governor if such an
office is, or is not, created by constitutional amendment.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Section 15D be and it is hereby added to Article 41 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1969 Supplement), title "Governor—
Executive and Administrative Departments," subtitle "The Execu-
tive Department," to follow immediately after Section 15C thereof,
and to be under the new subheading "Lieutenant Governor," and
to read as follows:
(a) At each general election in this State, beginning in the year
1970, a Lieutenant Governor shall be elected.
(b) The Lieutenant Governor shall be elected on Statewide
STATEWIDE ticket in the primary and general elections. He shall be
a person with the constitutional qualifications required of a candidate
for Governor, and except for the difference in title, he shall be elected
under the requirements and procedures applying to the election of
Governor. All election and other officials and employees of the State
and of its political subdivisions shall do those things necessary and
proper under the general election laws in providing for the election
of the Lieutenant Governor.
(c) The Lieutenant Governor elected shall take office on the same
day as the Governor, for a term of four years; and he shall take the
constitutional oath of office.
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.