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Session Laws and Journals, 1969, December Special Session
Volume 694, Page 75   View pdf image (33K)
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District 15—Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline and Talbot Counties:
Robert P. Dean
Harry R. Hughes

District 16—Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset Counties:
Frederick C. Malkus, Jr.
Mary L. Nock

Forty-two Senators having answered to their names, the Secretary
announced that the Senate of Maryland, December 16th, 1969 Special
Session, is now ready for business.

On motion of Senator Hughes, it was ordered that Senator Manning
be excused from today's session on account of illness.

The Honorable J. Joseph Curran, Jr. nominated the Honorable Mary
L. Nock as temporary presiding officer, which nomination was seconded
by the Honorable Frederick C. Malkus, Jr. There being no further nomi-
nations, the Honorable Mary L. Nock was unanimously elected temporary
presiding officer.

The Senator from Dorchester County and the Senator from Howard
County were appointed to escort the President Pro Tern to the Chair.

The Secretary then administered the oath of office to the President
Pro Tern.

The next order of business was the election of a permanent presiding

The Honorable Roy N. Staten nominated the Honorable William S.
James for President, which was seconded by the Honorable James F. Clark.

On motion of the Honorable William Hodges, seconded by the Honor-
able Harry Hughes, the nominations were closed.

The roll was then called, which resulted as follows:



Mrs. President, Pro Tern, Anderson, Azrael,  Bailey, Bertier, Bertorelli, Bishop,

Brubaker, Byron, Clark, Connolly, Cook, Conroy,  Crawford, Curran, Dean, Emanuel,
Finney, Friedler, Gore, Hall, Hart, Hodges, Hoyer, Hughes, H., Lapides, Malkus,

Mitchell, McCourt, McGuirk, Pine, Schweinhaut,   Smelser, Snyder, Staszak, Staten,
Steffey, Steinberg, Stone, Welcome, Wineland.                                               Total—42


The Honorable William S. James was elected President of the Senate
unanimously, the Honorable William S. James was declared duly elected
President of the Senate.

The Senator from District 15 and the Senator from District 6-C were
appointed to escort the President to the Chair.

The temporary presiding officer administered the oath of office to the
President of the Senate, the Honorable William S. James.


The Secretary of State appeared and delivered a message from the


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Session Laws and Journals, 1969, December Special Session
Volume 694, Page 75   View pdf image (33K)
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