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1969] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES 93 could turn over the office to Lane and assume for himself the position of U.S. Senator to which he had been recently elected. There was no competition in the January 3rd contest and Lane was elected by the Legislature unanimously to fill out the five days of O'Conor's unexpired term. On January 8, 1947 Lane was inaugurated for his elected term. Though Lane held but one term, history records his accomplishments in education, mental health, road and bridge building, and in fiscal matters as of high rank. Today—Election of January 7, 1969 So for the seventh time in the history of the State the Legislature is again facing the task of filling an unexpired term of a governor as it did in 1792, 1809, 1831, 1874, 1885 and 1947. Participation in this historic event which goes back nearly 200 years should give each member of the Legislature a genuine, glorious moment of empathy with the past as he rises to declare his vote for the candidate of his choice to replace Governor Spiro T. Agnew who resigns to become the Vice-President of the United States. January 6, 1969 Community College of Baltimore Baltimore, Maryland 21215 ADJOURNMENT OF JOINT SESSION At 3:25 P.M., Senator McGuirk, duly seconded, moved to adjourn the joint session. The Senate of Maryland was escorted out of the House Chamber. QUORUM CALL The Speaker announced a quorum call, resulting as follows: Delegates— Mr. Speaker, Briscoe, Fowler, Boyer, Athey, Lipin, Thomason, Burkhead, Connell, Helms, Allen, Anderson, Fornos, Benner, Compton, Nimmerrichter, Arata, Coolahan, Malone, Alpert, Jacobson, Rynd, Hopkins, Nice, Price, Hinkel, Jensen, Jones, Kar-dash, Schirano, Tyler, Einschutz, Evans, Rush, Arnick, D'Anna, Minnick, Dize, Matthews (R. M.), Burkheimer, Mackie, Dorman, Menes, Mothershead, Banning, Goodman, Hull, King, Montfort, Santangelo, Weile, Bagley, Donovan, Giordano, McDonough, Rummage, Hickman (C. M.), Hickman (R.), Remsberg, Virts, Greer, Osborne Scarff, Hargreaves, Bonvegna, Bullock, Dypski, Krysiak, Silk, Walters, Adams (F. B.), Anto-nelli, Cassady, Chester, Holub, McCarty, Orlinsky, Sarbanes, Burns, Curran, Hergen-roeder, Kent, Kircher, Abramson, Dixon, Douglass, Lee, Abrams, Cardin, Friedman, Resnick, Avara, Baumann, Freeberger, Murphy, Rutkowski, Weisengoff, Wyatt, Donaldson, Grumbacher, Hoffman, Wright, Clarke, Lady, Scott, Whalen, Whitney, Becker, Bell, Blondes, Crawford, Docter, Zander, Wiser, Cook (N. S.), Evans, Reed, Matthews (R. C), Yingling, Burgess, Warfield, Long, White, Aiken. Total—124 RECESS At 3:35 o'clock P.M., on motion of Delegate Lowe, the House took a recess until 5:00 o'clock P.M. AFTER RECESS At 4:25 o'clock P.M., the House resumed its session. Those present were: Delegates— Boyer, Athey, Lipin, Burkhead, Helms, Allen, Anderson, Fornos, Compton, Nimmerrichter, Arata, Coolahan, Alpert, Hopkins, Jensen, Schirano, Tyler, Arnick, D'Anna,
Volume 693, Page 167 View pdf image (33K) |
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