MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 349
The Secretary of Natural Resources may, in his discretion, create
or dissolve an Advisory Board for the Department of Natural
Resources. The Advisory Board shall be of such size as determined
by the Secretary, and the members shall be representative of the
different professional areas or fields of endeavor with which the
Department of Natural Resources is concerned.
The State Board of Natural Resources is hereby abolished. When-
ever there are references to the Board of Natural Resources or Chair-
man of the Board of Natural Resources in this Code, or in any other
laws, ordinances, resolutions, regulations or directives, they shall be
deemed to mean the Secretary of Natural Resources unless, however,
such construction would be unreasonable. From and after July 1,
1969, all rights, powers, duties, obligations and functions heretofore
conferred upon the Board of Natural Resources or the Chairman of
the Board of Natural Resources shall be transferred to and be exer-
cised and performed by the Secretary of Natural Resources. All rules,
regulations, forms, orders and directives promulgated by or in effect
for the Board of Natural Resources as of June 30, 1969, shall con-
tinue in force unless such continuance would involve an unreasonable
construction of this statute or unless and until changed by the
Secretary of Natural Resources.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Section 2 of Article 32A
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition and 1967 Replace-
ment Volume), title "Department of Law," subtitle "In General," be
and it is repealed and re-enacted with amendments, to read as follows:
The Attorney General shall have general charge, supervision and
direction of the legal business of the State, except as provided in
Section 12 of this article and any other provisions of law, and he,
together with his assistants, shall perform the duties now or here-
after prescribed by the Constitution and laws of this State, and in
addition thereto shall be the legal adviser and representative of and
perform all legal work for the following boards, commissions, depart-
ments, officers and institutions:
Board of Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore City,
Board of liquor commissioners of Baltimore City,
Police commissioner of Baltimore City,
State Roads Commission,
State Insurance Commissioner,
State Tax Commission,
State Industrial Accident Commission,
[Board of Natural Resources,]
State Bank Commissioner,
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles,
State Board of Health,
Sheriff of Baltimore City,