Special Regulation 7.03. Written promotional examinations for the
Police or Fire [Bureau] Department shall be conducted by the Office of
Personnel. Such promotional examinations must be given in a manner
to code the identity of each employee taking such examination.
Special Regulation 7.04. The identification of the scores of all such
written examinations shall be done in the presence of no less than three
of the following: a member of the [Bureau] department for which the
examination was given; the Director of Personnel, [Director of Public
Safety] Administrative Officer and a member of the Personnel and Salary
Advisory Board. In the event of the inability of any one of the three to be
present, the County Administrative Officer shall appoint a person to act
as substitute.
Special Regulation 7.05. Employees taking promotional fitness tests
shall be required to attain at least such minimum score in the written
examination, as shall be established by the Director of Personnel and the
[Director of Public Safety] department chief before other credits will be
considered. When the minimum score required in the written examina-
tion is not attained by an employee, he shall be considered to have failed
in promotional fitness tests and any other component parts of the pro-
motional fitness tests will not be rated. No employee shall be placed on the
promotional list whose general average is less than 70 on a scale of 100.
The general average rating shall determine the order of relative standing
of the employee on the promotional list. Ties will be decided by seniority
within the [Bureau] department, measured from the date of appointment,
to the Police or Fire [Bureau] Department, and seniority ties will be
decided by the employee whose surname comes first in the alphabet.
Special Regulation 7.06. When a vacancy is to be filled in the Police
or Fire [Bureau] Department, the [Director of Public Safety] department
chief shall request the Director of Personnel to certify the names of the
persons eligible for promotion. The Director of Personnel shall certify
the names of the three numerically highest employees on the promotional
eligibility list for the rank in which the vacancy exists, provided, however,
that in case more than one vacancy is to be filled, the number of names
certified shall be two greater than the number of vacancies. The [Director
of Public Safety] department chief, in his written request for certification,
may specify qualifications of a special nature of candidates for appoint-
ment to the position; that is to say, qualifications relating to specialized
training, experience, or knowledge involving factors of a special nature
required in the position and not required of all positions in the class.
Upon any such request for selective certification as outlined above, the
Director of Personnel shall certify the names of the three numerically
highest employees on the promotional list possessing such qualifications
of a special natur |