governing body, through its appropriate agency, has approved the
installation of individual sewage disposal facilities, unless the
county governing body has first approved such extension. Any ex-
tension requiring county governing body approval under this sub-
section shall be submitted to the county governing body in the usual
form of communication between the county governing body
and the Commission, and unless within thirty days after receipt of
the Commission's material the county governing body advises the
Commission that the extension should not be made, the Commission
may proceed with such construction. In addition, the Commission
is authorized to provide sanitary sewer service in those drainage
areas tributary to county approved trunk sewers and county ap-
proved pumping stations outside of the county approved service areas
conditioned upon the property being developed in accordance with
a master plan adopted by the Maryland-National Capital Park and
Planning Commission and approved by the county governing body
and notwithstanding the foregoing, the Commission is authorized
to provide sewer service to existing structures located in such areas
without condition.
(e) Cooperation among the Counties and agencies. It is the
intention of the General Assembly that the Sanitary Commission,
the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, the
County Council for Montgomery County and the Board of County
Commissioners for Prince George's County shall cooperate to the
fullest extent in seeking to attain maximum harmony of the water
and sanitary sewerage construction programs with the other elements
of orderly growth in the two Counties. The two Commissions, the
County Council and the Board of County Commissioners are en-
couraged to meet and discuss the capital improvements program in
discussion and work sessions, and between or among themselves,
as applicable, exchange such information and details as may be
necessary to achieve the coordination contemplated by this Section
of the capital improvement program, and the Commission shall give
to the county governing bodies such additional information and
details, either orally or in writing, as those bodies may request in
connection with their considerations of the capital improvements
(f) Transitional provisions. The existing five-year programs
of the Commission and any interim amendments thereto, as ap-
proved by the county governing bodies and adopted by the Commis-
sion pursuant to the Five Year Program law formerly stated in this
Section 83-96(71-45), as last repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, by Chapter 194 of the Acts of 1967, shall continue in efficacy
until the first six-year capital improvements program, approved and
adopted pursuant to the aforegoing subsections, is established
for the fiscal year comm |