veying experience; and shall contain or be accompanied by any other
relevant material or information, such as a certificate issued by the
National Board of Engineering Registration, or its successor. The
following shall be considered as minimum evidence satisfactory to
the Board that the applicant is qualified for registration as a pro-
fessional engineer, or professional land surveyor, or for certifica-
tion as an engineer-in-training, OR A LAND SURVEYOR-IN-
TRAINING, or for registration as a property line surveyor, respec-
(a) As a professional engineer:
(1) Graduation from an engineering curriculum of four scholastic
years or more or their equivalent approved by the Board; a specific
record of an additional four years or more of experience in engi-
neering work of a character satisfactory to the Board and indicating
that the applicant may be competent to practice engineering (in
counting years of experience, the Board at its discretion may give
credit, not in excess of one year, for satisfactory graduate study in
engineering); and the successful completion of an eight-hour written
examination in the fundamentals of engineering and of an eight-hour
written examination in the principles and practice of engineering. A
person who has successfully completed the examination in the funda-
mentals of engineering as an engineer-in-training shall be considered
to have successfully completed the examination in the fundamentals
of engineering required by this section. Where the evidence pre-
sented in and with the application does not appear to the Board to
warrant the admission to the examination, the applicant may be re-
quired to present further evidence for the consideration of the Board;
(2) Graduation from an engineering curriculum of four scholastic
years or more or their equivalent other than the ones approved by
the Board; eight years or more of additional experience in engi-
neering work of a character satisfactory to the Board and which
indicates to the Board that the applicant may be competent to prac-
tice engineering; and the successful completion of an eight-hour
written examination in the fundamentals of engineering designed to
show knowledge and skill equivalent to that obtained through grad-
uation from an approved four-year engineering curriculum and of an
eight-hour written examination in the principles and practice of
engineering. Where the evidence presented in and with the applica-
tion does not appear to the Board to warrant the admission to the
examination, the applicant may be required to present further evi-
dence for the consideration of the Board; or
(3) A specific record of at least twelve years of [lawful practice
in] engineering work of a character satisfactory to the Board, of
which at least five years have been in responsible charge, and in-
dicating that the applicant may be competent to practice engineer-
ing; provided, |