twenty one years, to work by the hour for such time as may be agreed
No [male] minor under 16 years of age [and no female minor
under 18 years of age] shall be employed, permitted or suffered to
work as a messenger for any messenger company or commercial
messenger service in the distribution, transmission or delivery of
goods at any time [, except female employees 16 and 17 years of age
may be employed for not more than 8 hours daily, nor more than 40
hours per week, nor before the hours of 7 a.m. nor after the hours
of 7 p.m. in the delivery of telegrams].
(a) No [male] minor under 16 years of age [and no female
minor under 18 years of age] shall be employed, permitted or suf-
fered to work in, about, or in connection with any theatre, concert
hall, cabaret, carnival, rodeo, floor show, poolroom, billiard parlor
or bowling alley, except in purely office work outside school hours,
provided, however, that a male or female minor who has passed his
or her 16th birthday may be employed in a theatre devoted exclu-
sively to the showing of motion pictures and in theatres devoted
exclusively to the presentation by amateur, summer stock or profes-
sional groups of drama, musical comedy, opera, light opera and
musical concerts, and further provided that nothing in this section
shall prevent or be construed to prohibit the employment of a [male]
minor under 16 years of age [or a female minor under 18 years of
age] whether the minor is a resident or nonresident of the State, if
the minor be regularly employed by a regular theatrical company or
radio or television broadcasting station in the professional presenta-
tion of a drama, play, performance, concert or entertainment, and
provided the management of the theatre, concert hall or radio or
television broadcasting station where such performance is to be
held in the State shall secure a permit from the Commissioner of the
Department of Labor and Industry. No permit shall be issued unless
the officer authorized to issue permits shall have the written consent
of parent or legal guardian of the minor and is satisfied that the
environment in which the drama, play, performance, concert or
entertainment is to be produced is a proper environment for the
minor and that the conditions of such employment are not detrimen-
tal to the health or morals of such minor and that the minor's educa-
tion will not be neglected or hampered by participation in such
drama, play, performance, concert or entertainment and further
provided that the minor shall not participate in any performance
after 11 p.m.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Sections 17 17, 52, 53, 54
and 55 of Article 100 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964
Replacement Volume and 1968 Supplement), title "Work, Labor and
Employment," subtitle, "EMPLOYMENT OF MINORS," s, respec-
tively, "Employment of Minors" and Hours of Labor for Females," be
and they are IS hereby repealed.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1969.
Approved May 2, 1969.