SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 95
(e) To be weighed and checked at station before head, hide, etc.,
removed.—It shall be unlawful to remove the head or hide or any
part thereof from any deer except internal organs, or cut the meat
into parts until it has been weighed and checked by a [game warden,
deputy game warden] Wildlife Officer or State policeman, at a des-
ignated checking station. Any deer or parts thereof, the sex of
which cannot be definitely determined, shall be prima facie evidence
that said deer is an illegal deer. Each separate deer, part or parts
thereof, taken illegally or found in possession, shall, for the purpose
of this section be considered a separate offense.
[(g) Use of spotlights, etc., in hunting.—It shall be unlawful
for any person, or one or more of a group of persons together, to
throw or cast the rays of a spotlight, headlight, or artificial light or
battery or other contrivance or device, on any highway or in any
field, woodland, or forest while having in his or their possession, or
under his or their control, a firearm or other implement by which
any deer could be killed, even though such game be not shot at,
injured or killed. The provisions of this subsection shall not be con-
strued to apply where the headlight of a motor vehicle operated by
any person or persons while traveling on a highway in the usual way,
cast a light upon such game on or adjacent to such highway and
there was no attempt or intent to locate such game, however, pro-
vided that nothing in this subsection shall apply to the hunting of
raccoon or opossum during the lawful open season.]
[(h) Unlawful to hunt certain deer with bow and arrow in
Dorchester County.—It shall be unlawful to hunt Japanese or Sika
deer in Dorchester County with bow and arrow .]
[(k)] (g) Accidental killing by motor vehicle.—Any person
who while operating a motor vehicle upon any highway in this State
accidentally strikes and kills a deer upon said highway shall, upon
producing visible evidence of collision with said deer to any State
Police or [Game Warden] Wildlife Officer of this State under this
Article, be entitled to possession of said deer. The provisions of this
subsection shall be applicable to deer killed by collision with a motor
vehicle at any time whether during the open season for killing deer
or during the legally closed season.
[(i)] (h) Any person violating any of the provisions of this
section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
before any court of competent jurisdiction of this State, shall be fined
not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Two
Hundred Dollars ($200.00) and costs for each and every offense.
[Provided that, in Montgomery County upon any conviction the
fine shall be not less than Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) nor
more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and costs for each and
every offense.] Any person who fails to pay the fine so imposed,
shall stand committed to jail until the fine and costs have been paid,
but such imprisonment shall not exceed sixty (60) days for any one
offense, [and in addition to such fine or fines all spotlights, arti-
ficial lights, or battery or other contrivance or devices to spot or
locate or hunt for said game, and all firearms found in or on such
vehicles or m possession of such persons so convicted, or used in
violation of the provisions of this section, shall be confiscated and
shall be disposed of by the Director as he may deem advisable for
the best interest of the State.]