adjustment for increased enrollment as calculated in paragraph (2)
of this subsection and from which shall be subtracted the product of
$6,645 multiplied by one staff member for each 1,000 of the first
5,000 pupils or major portion thereof. To this figure shall be added
or subtracted the adjustment for minimum salaries and staffing level
as calculated in paragraph (3) of this subsection. In the event that
the amount arrived at by this calculation exceeds the amount of the
State's share calculated in paragraph (5) of this subsection, to such
county or Baltimore City, the State shall pay the larger amount. The
amounts of State aid provided under this section shall be in addition
to any amounts provided for elsewhere in this article.
(7) Minimum Amount to Be Spent for Other Current Expenses.
Neither a county board of education or the Board of Education of
Baltimore City may spend for other current expenses less than $71
for each pupil enrolled as of September 30 of the current year, plus
$30 for each additional pupil enrolled in excess of the number en-
rolled on September 30 of the preceding year.
(8) Aid received under Article 66½ Not to Be Duplicated.
Aid calculated under the provisions of this subsection shall not
duplicate any aid received under the provisions of section 90 of
Article 66½.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That Section 6 of Article 81,
Annotated Code of Maryland (1965 Replacement Volume), title
"Revenue and Taxes," subtitle "Classification of Taxes" be and it is
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; and that Sections
8, 9(3), 9(14), 9(19), 9(41), of said Article (1965 Replacement
Volume and 1967 Supplement) and title, subtitle "What Shall
Be Taxed and Where" be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments and that new Section 9(64) be and it is hereby
added to said Article (1967 Supplement), title, and subtitle to follow
immediately after Section 9(63) thereof; and that Section 10(c)
of said Article (1965 Replacement Volume), title, and sub-
title, be and it is hereby repealed; and that Section 12H(a) of said
Article (1967 Supplement) and title, subtitle "State Grants to Sub-
divisions" be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments; and that new Section 12H(c) AND NEW SEC-
TION 12H(D) be and it is THEY ARE hereby added to
said Article, title, and subtitle, to follow immediately after Section
12H(b) thereof; and that Section 13(b) of said Article (1965 Re-
placement Volume) and title, subtitle "By Whom Assessment Shall
Be Made" be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments; and that Sections 14(b) and 20, of said Article (1965 Replace-
ment Volume) and title, subtitle "Method of Assessment" be and they
are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; and that
Section 21 of said Article, title, and subtitle, be and it is hereby
repealed; and that Section 30 of said Article (1965 Replacement
Volume) and title, subtitle "Rate of Tax" be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments; and that Section 128(b) of said
Article (1967 Supplement) and title, subtitle "Franchise Tax on Net
Earnings of Savings Banks and of Building, Saving and Loan Associ-
ations," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments; and that new Section 128A be and it is hereby added to said
Article, title, and subtitle, to follow immediately after Section 128
thereof, and to be under the new subtitle "Franchise Tax on Net
Earnings of Financial Institutions"; and that Section 130(a) of said