SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 675
Article and title, subtitle "Hours and Days for Sale"; and to
enact new Section 98A in lieu thereof, to stand in the place of the
section so repealed, generally revising the alcoholic beverages
laws applicable to Garrett County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 19(f-l) and 21(j) of Article 2B of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1967 Supplement), title "Alcoholic Beverages,"
subtitle "Beer, Wine and Liquor Licenses," be and they are hereby
repealed and re-enacted with amendments; that new subsection
21(f-l) be and it is hereby added to said Article and subtitle, to
follow immediately after subsection 21(f) thereof; THAT SEC-
WITH AMENDMENTS; that Section 165 (b-1) of said Article and
title, subtitle "County Liquor Control Boards and Dispensaries,"
be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments; that
Section 98A of said Article and title, subtitle "Hours and Days for
Sale" be and it is hereby repealed, and that new Section 98A be and
it is hereby enacted in lieu thereof, to stand in the place of the
section so repealed, and all to read as follows:
(f-1) (1) In Garrett County the annual fee for such a license
shall be eight hundred dollars ($800.00) for a restaurant.
(2) Such a license may be issued in Garrett County to a bona
fide hotel or motel which (i) is an establishment for the accommoda-
tion of the public, providing services ordinarily found in hotels or
motels, (ii) is equipped with no fewer than 25 rooms, a lobby with
a registration and mail desk and seating facilities [, and a dining
room which serves full-course meals at least twice daily].
(3) Such a license may be issued in Garrett County to a res-
taurant which meets the following requirements and conditions:
(i) [Serves full-course meals at least twice daily; (ii)] has a reg-
ular seating capacity of tables, not including seats at bars or coun-
ters, for [forty] twenty or more persons; [(iii)] (ii) has been in
full-time operation as a restaurant for not less than two years imme-
diately preceding the time the application is made for license;
[(iv)] (iii) has an applicant for the license who has, or applicants
who have, been a bona fide resident or residents of Garrett County
for not less than five years immediately preceding the filing of the
application, and who has or have been a registered voter or voters
of Garrett County for not less than one year immediately preceding
the filing of the application. This license in a restaurant does not
permit sale at bars or counters nor for consumption anywhere except
inside the building in which the meals are prepared and served, ex-
cept that the license will authorize the licensee to sell for consump-
tion off the premises not less than six bottles or cans of brewed
beverages as defined in this article, provided that brewed beverages
sold in bottles or cans exceeding 12 ounces in weight or size, may be
sold in a numerical quantity of less than six. Except that a license
may be issued hereunder for any premises under construction and
otherwise meeting the requirements of this section to be effective
ninety (90) days after completion of the construction.