buildings by the State or any political subdivision thereof, except
those plans and specifications for buildings to be used by the penal
institutions of the State or the political subdivision, shall provide
facilities for the handicapped. The plans and specifications shall
conform to the most recently published standards of the American
Standards Association as contained in the booklet entitled "Ameri-
can Standard Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Ac-
cessible to and Usable by the Physically Handicapped," as amended
or supplemented from time to time.
(b) In this subtitle, "Public building" means a building struc-
ture or improved area owned or constructed for lease by this State
or its political subdivisions.
"Handicapped person" means a person with a measurable limita-
tion of mobility due to congenital defect, disease, or trauma.
"Facility for handicapped persons" includes any ramp, handrail,
elevator, door, specially treated surface and similar design, con-
venience, or device which facilitates the health, safety, or comfort
of a handicapped person.
(c) Public buildings which lack facilities for handicapped per-
sons (1) create a substantial risk of death or injury with respect
to handicapped persons and others in normal conditions and in the
event of fire, panic, or other emergency; and (2) impair the full use
and enjoyment of public buildings by handicapped persons for edu-
cation, treatment, training, employment, or recreation.
(d) Not later than July 1, 1968, the Board of Public Works,
through the Department of Public Improvements, shall publish the
standards of minimum requirements for facilities for handicapped
persons in public buildings; "Standards to conform to American
Standards Association specification A 117.1-1961 as modified BY
tion with Governor's Study Group on Vocational Rehabilitation."
The standards shall not require facilities for the handicapped in
portions of public buildings which are not open to or used by the
general working force or by the general public. The design of public
buildings by the State and by its political subdivisions shall be reg-
ulated by the provisions of this Act upon and after July 1, 1968.
(e) By January 1, 1969, the appropriate contracting authority
shall determine that the plans and specifications of every public
building which the State or any political subdivision, governmental
entity or public authority constructs conforms to this subtitle.
(f) The standards shall be filed with the Secretary of State.
(g) The provisions of this subtitle shall apply to improvement of
areas used for gathering or amusement such as public parks, recre-
ation centers, and the like; particularly with regard to toilet facil-
ities, ramps, building entrances, drinking fountains, parking, and
walks. Such facilities should be suitably marked by a symbol denot-
ing "usable by the physically disabled."
(h) The provisions of this subtitle shall apply to all educational
facilities constructed with public funds or owned and/or operated
by the State or its political subdivisions.
(i) The provisions of this subtitle shall apply to public trans-
portation accommodations supported by public funds (such as