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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1653   View pdf image
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SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor                      1653

pounds per axle as opposed to the maximum weight recommended
by the American Association of State Highway Officials which is
20,000 pounds per axle. If this bill is enacted into law, the maximum
axle rate will increase to 24,640 pounds. A study of permissible
weights throughout the Nation reveals that 32 states have maximum
axle weights lower than 20,000 pounds as recommended by the Amer-
ican Association of State Highway Officials. This study also reveals
that if this bill is signed into law, Maryland will have a permissible
axle weight greater than any State in the United States.

I also point out that the design of all highway bridges had as
a basis the existing statutory load limitations. To authorize increased
loads will contribute to the overstressing of these bridges and po-
tential earlier deterioration and possible failure.

The Maryland State Police advises that if this bill becomes law,
it will permit different axle weights on the primary and secondary
system of highways than those permitted on the Interstate System
of Highways; and the police advise that this will present a most
difficult enforcement problem.

(s) Spiro T. Agnew,


House Bill No. 790—Damages for Wrongful Death

AN ACT to amend Section 4 of Article 67 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1967 Replacement Volume), title "Negligence
Causing Death," to change the manner of determination of damages
in an action for damages for the wrongful death of a person, includ-
ing a minor child.

May 7, 1968.

Honorable Marvin Mandel
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland

Dear Mr. Speaker:

In accordance with Section 17 of Article II of the Maryland
Constitution, I have vetoed today House Bill 790 and am returning
it to you.

This bill would change the manner of determination of dam-
ages in an action for the wrongful death of a minor child. The
sponsor of the bill, House Majority Leader, Thomas Hunter Lowe,
has written to me expressing some doubts about the interpretation
of the new provisions and asking that it be vetoed. I am complying
with his request.


(s) Spiro T. Agnew,



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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1653   View pdf image
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