SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1613
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Governor of
Approved May 7, 1968.
No. 41
(House Joint Resolution 44)
House Joint Resolution congratulating the Maryland Cooperative
Milk Producers, Inc. on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of
this outstanding agency.
Whereas, the Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc., formerly
the Maryland State Dairymen's Association, will celebrate its found-
ing date of August 23, 1918, and has completed fifty years of service
to the State of Maryland to insure a constant supply of fresh whole-
some milk to its residents; and
Whereas, On this Golden Anniversary, to be celebrated February
24, 1968 with suitable ceremonies, the Maryland Cooperative Milk
Producers, Inc., may be justifiably proud of its assistance to dairy
farmers through many activities and
Whereas, These activities performed included the exercise of
leadership roles in bargaining for prices and terms of sale for all
wholesome milk produced in membership herds; assuring correct
weights and butterfat tests by assuming complete and full responsi-
bility for such weights, and tests; representing dairy farmers serving
Maryland markets in legislation affecting them; assuming full re-
sponsibility for the production of clean, wholesome milk by the in-
stitution of a quality control program of highest merit; recognizing
its responsibilities to the State of Maryland and its citizens by
judicious marketing decisions; providing full and accurate reporting
of marketing conditions as a guide to producer decisions; serving
members by assuring them of a market for quality milk; providing
around-the-clock service to members for the maintenance of milk
cooling equipment, and maintaining one of the most respected dairy
laboratories in the state or the nation; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Maryland
Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc., formerly the Maryland State
Dairymen's Association, be congratulated on its Golden Anniversary
celebrating fifty years of service for the benefit of dairy farmers and
for the benefit of the residents of the State of Maryland, and commend
the Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc., officers and staff for
establishing and maintaining high professional standards in the
furtherance of their responsibilities to dairy farmers serving Mary-
land markets and to Maryland residents; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this resolution under the Great Seal of
the State of Maryland be presented to the Maryland Cooperative
Milk Producers, Inc., as a token of the appreciation of the General
Assembly of Maryland.
Approved May 7, 1968.