Whereas, Any Constitution is a complex document which ulti-
mately relies on the courts in many cases for interpretation as to
the meaning of its various provisions; and
Whereas, Any comments made by individuals in public life at
this time regarding the proposed draft are unfortunately stigma-
tized as being either "pro" or "con"; and
Whereas, One effective method of stimulating knowledge and
interest would be by use of the process of objective debate by indi-
viduals who by reason of their background and training can dis-
passionately discuss both the strength and weakness of various
sections of the proposed draft, with no particular bias involved
either for or against the proposed draft; and
Whereas, Among individuals to be considered for this purpose
would be experts in the various fields of government involved, who
have had no previous involvement with either the Constitutional
Commission or Convention; and
Whereas, Use of this method will draw and stimulate interest
and dispense information, by its very process, as people are always
attracted by such debates; and
Whereas, The various news media in the State, newspapers,
television and radio have tremendous power to influence thinking
on the part of the people, and may possibly have some bias one
way or the other in their treatment of the draft under consideration,
and can render a great service to the State by avoiding any such
bias; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Con-
tinuing Committee on the Constitutional Convention be requested
to consider using a series of debates on the proposed Constitution;
and be it further
Resolved, That the participants in the debates be experts in the
various fields of government involved, within and without the
State; and be it further
Resolved, That the various news media be asked to become in-
volved to the extent that sufficient time be provided on television
and radio for the debates, and the newspapers to carry the debates
verbatim, without any reportorial or editorial comment, so that a
completely objective discussion of the proposed Constitution can
be had, and the people of Maryland can reach an informed, dis-
passionate conclusion as to how they will vote on May 14, 1968;
and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent to President H.
Vernon Eney, members of the Constitutional Convention, and the
various news media in the State, and the Continuing Committee on
the Constitutional Convention.
Approved May 7, 1968.