SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1559
Chapter 743 of the Acts of 1965, as amended by Chapter 3 of the
Acts of 1966, March 30, Special Session and Chapters 426 and 578 of
the Acts of 1967; Section 4 of Chapter 186 of the Acts of 1966, as
amended by Chapters 426 and 578 of the Acts of 1967; Section 4
of Chapter 228 of the Acts of 1966, as amended by Chapters 426 and
578 of the Acts of 1967; Section 4 of Chapter 230 of the Acts of
1966, as amended by Chapters 426 and 578 of the Acts of 1967;
Section 4 of Chapter 231 of the Acts of 1966, as amended by Chapters
426 and 578 of the Acts of 1967; Section 4 of Chapter 504 of the
Acts of 1966, as amended by Chapters 426 and 578 of the Acts of
1967; Section 4 of Chapter 561 of the Acts of 1966; Section 5 of
Chapter 652 of the Acts of 1966, as amended by Chapters 426 and
578 of the Acts of 1967; Section 4 of Chapter 722 of the Acts of
1966, as amended by Chapters 426, 578 and 646 of the Acts of 1967;
Subsection (e) of Section 10 of Chapter 145 of the Acts of 1967;
Subsection (g) of Section 266Z of Article 41 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1965 Replacement Volume and 1967 Supplement);
Section 4 of Chapter 654 of the Acts of 1967; Section 4 of Chapter
655 of the Acts of 1967; Section 4 of Chapter 656 of the Acts of
1967; Section 4 of Chapter 679 of the Acts of 1967; Section 4 of
Chapter 699 of the Acts of 1967; Subsection (e) of Section 8B of
Article 62B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1967 Supplement);
Section 4 of Chapter 759 of the Acts of 1967; be and they are hereby
repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
Chapter 72 of the Acts of 1962
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, [That the sum of Twenty-five
Thousand Dollars ($25,000), or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary,] That so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid by
the Treasurer of the State upon the warrant of the Comptroller out
of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds or Certificates of Indebt-
edness for the payment of the expense of engraving, printing and
other outlays connected with the issue of the loan hereby author-
ized, and for the payment of the advertising directed by this Act,
and all other incidental expenses connected with the execution of
its provisions in connection with said loan.
Chapter 539 of the Acts of 1963
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, [That the sum of Ten Thou-
sand Dollars ($10,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary,]
That so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid by the
Treasurer of the State upon the warrant of the Comptroller out of
the proceeds of the sale of said bonds or Certificates of Indebtedness,
for the payment of the expense of engraving, printing and other out-
lays connected with the issue of the loan hereby authorized and
for the payment of the advertising directed by this Act, and all
other incidental expenses connected with the execution of its pro-
visions in connection with said loan.
Chapter 719 of the Acts of 1963
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, [That the sum of Ten Thou-
sand Dollars ($10,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary,]
That so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid by the
Treasurer of the State upon the warrant of the Comptroller out of