tion of transit facilities in the Washington metropolitan area, as
provided by Chapter 870 of the Laws of Maryland of 1965, as
amended from time to time, and to effect such borrowing by the
issuance and sale to the highest bidder or bidders at public sale
of its general obligation, serial maturity coupon bonds in like par
amount; empowering said County to fix and determine, by reso-
lution, the form, tenor, interest rate or method of arriving at the
same, terms, including redemption and registration provisions,
conditions, maturities and all other details incident or necessary
to the issuance, public sale and delivery of said bonds, without
reference to any other law heretofore enacted; prescribing the
method and manner of selling said bonds at public sale; empower-
ing said County, subject to certain limitations, to sell said bonds
at, above or below the par value thereof; empowering said County
to refund any of said bonds purchased or redeemed in advance of
maturity; empowering said County to apply to the payment of
principal and interest of said bonds and said refunding bonds any
refund received from the State of Maryland and the United States
of America and any tax receipts or other funds, which may be
properly allocable to said purpose; empowering and directing said
County to contract to levy and to levy, impose and collect an-
nually ad valorem taxes which, in addition to the State and Fed-
eral allotments and tax receipts or other funds properly allocated
to such purpose, if any, will provide funds sufficient for the pay-
ment of said maturing principal and interest; exempting said
bonds and said refunding bonds and the interest thereon from all
State, county and municipal taxation in the State of Maryland;
and providing that the power to incur indebtedness and issue bonds
therefor under the provisions of this Act is additional and alter-
native authority for borrowing money and shall be regarded as
supplemental and additional to powers conferred upon the County
by other laws.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That, as used herein, the term "County" shall mean the body politic
and corporate of the State of Maryland known as the County Com-
missioners for Prince George's County, and the term "transit facili-
ties" shall mean the following:
(a) all those matters and things utilized in rendering mass
transit service by means of rail, bus, water or air and any other
mode of travel, including without limitation, tracks, rights of way,
bridges, tunnels, subways, rolling stock for rail, motor vehicle, marine
and air transportation, stations, terminals and ports, areas for park-
ing and all equipment, fixtures, buildings and structures and
services incidental to or required in connection with the perform-
ance of mass transit service; and
(b) any part of the County's share of contributions agreed to
be made under any contracts or agreements by the Washington
Suburban Transit District to the capital required for the construc-
tion and/or acquisition of transit facilities (as defined in the pre-
ceding clause (a) of this sentence or as may be defined in Chapter
870 of the Laws of Maryland of 1965, as the same may be amended
from time to time) in the Washington metropolitan area, all as
provided by said Chapter 870 of the Laws of Maryland of 1965, as
amended from time to time.