and expenses incident to the expression of personal views in accord-
ance with the provisions of Section 26-9(a) herein.
(5) Political contributions in false name.—Every person who
shall, directly or indirectly, by himself or through another person,
make a payment, or promise of payment, to a treasurer or subtreas-
urer, or candidate, in any other name than his own, and every treas-
urer or subtreasurer or candidate who shall knowingly receive a pay-
ment, or promise of payment, and enter the same or cause the same to
be entered in his accounts in any other name than that of the person
by whom such payment or promise of payment is made.
(6) Coercing employees.—Every person who, being an employer,
pays his employees the salary or wages due in "pay envelopes," upon
which there is written or printed or in which there is enclosed any
political motto, device or argument containing threats, express or
implied, intended or calculated to influence the political opinions or
actions of such employees, or within ninety days of an election puts,
or otherwise exhibits in the establishment or place where his em-
ployees are engaged in labor, any handbill or placard containing any
threat, notice or information that if any particular ticket or candi-
date is elected or defeated, work in his place or establishment, will
cease, in whole or in part, his establishment be closed up or the wages
of his employees reduced, or other threats, express or implied, in-
tended or calculated to influence the political opinions or actions of
his employees.
(7) Every person who publishes or distributes or causes to be
published or distributed any pamphlet, circular, card, dodger, poster,
advertisement or any printed, multigraphed, photographed, type-
written or written matter or statement or any matter or statement
which may be copied by any device or method now known for print-
ing or copying or which may hereafter be used for making copies of
printed or written matter in any form whatever for publication or
distribution, relating to or concerning any candidate or prospective
candidate for public OR PARTY office or for the acceptance or de-
feat of any proposition unless such pamphlet, circular, card, dodger,
poster, advertisement or other form of publication herein described
contains the name or names of the person or persons, association,
committee or corporation responsible for the publication or distri-
bution of the same, and if an association, committee or corporation is
AND ADDRESS OF THE AUTHORITY responsible for the publi-
cation or distribution of the same, there shall be attached the names
of the officers of such association, committee or corporation.
(8) Every person who shall at any time pay, receive or incur any
obligation, express or implied, to pay or receive any sum of money or
thing of value whatever for services to be performed on the day of
any election on behalf of any candidate, party or measure, to be voted
upon at the election; or for any political service performed on this
day, or for any loss of time EXCEPT AS SUCH PAYMENT IS
EXPRESSLY PROVIDED FOR BY LAW or damage suffered by
attendance at the polls at the election; but this subsection shall not
apply to newspaper, radio, television, billboard, or aerial advertis-
ing or to amplifying equipment, regularly employed headquarters-
personnel, or rental of headquarters' facilities including communi-
cations' equipment, or to any cost incurred for the purpose of provid-
ing transportation for voters to and from polling places.