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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1110   View pdf image
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1110                           LAWS OF MARYLAND                       CH. 583

and it is hereby added to said Article (1964 Replacement Volume),
subtitle "25. Health Insurance," to follow immediately after Section
470 thereof, and all to read as follows:


Any corporation without capital stock heretofore or hereafter
organized, under the provisions of Article 23 of the Code of Public
General Laws of this State, for the purpose of establishing, main-
taining and operating a nonprofit health service plan whereby hos-
pital, medical, chiropodial, pharmaceutical, or dental or optometric
care is provided by a hospital, or hospitals, a physician or physicians,
a chiropodist or chiropodists, a pharmacist or pharmacists, and/or A
dentist or dentists, and/or an optometrist or optometrists, to persons
who become subscribers to such plan under contracts which entitle
each subscriber to certain hospital, medical, chiropodial, pharma-
ceutical, or dental or optometric care, or any of them, shall be gov-
erned and regulated by the provisions of this subtitle, and by no
other law relating to insurance unless such law is referred to under
this subtitle, and no law hereafter enacted shall apply to such cor-
porations, unless they are expressly designated therein, and specifi-
cally refer to such corporations.


(a)   Required; contents of application.—No corporation subject to
the provisions of this subtitle shall issue contracts for the rendering
of hospital, medical, chiropodial, pharmaceutical, or dental or op-
service to subscribers until the Insurance Commissioner has,
by formal certificate or license, authorized it to do so. Application
for such certificate of authority or license shall be made on forms to
to be supplied by the Insurance Commissioner containing such infor-
mation as he shall deem necessary. Each application for such certifi-
cate of authority or license, as a part thereof, shall be accompanied
by copies of the following documents, duly certified by at least two
(2) of the executive officers of such corporation:

(1)   Certificate of incorporation, with all amendments thereto;

(2)   Bylaws, with all amendments thereto;

(3)   Each contract executed or proposed to be executed by and
between the corporation and any hospital, physician, chiropodist,
pharmacists], or dentist or optometrist, embodying the terms under
which hospital, medical, chiropodial, pharmaceutical, or dental, or
service is to be furnished to subscribers to the plan;

(4)   Each form of contract issued or proposed to be issued to sub-
scribers to the plan, together with a table of the rates charged, or
proposed to be charged, to subscribers for each form of such

(5)   Financial statement of the corporation, which shall include
the amount of each contribution paid or agreed to be paid to the
corporation for working capital, the name or names of each con-
tributor and the terms of each contribution.

(b)   Requisites to issuance.—The Insurance Commissioner shall
issue a certificate of authority or license to each applicant upon the
payment of the fee provided for by Section [42] 41 of this article
and upon being satisfied:


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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1110   View pdf image
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