SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1107
Commission of free labor supplied by relief or charity agencies or
This section shall not apply to those counties or authorized road
departments of the several counties who, by appropriate resolution,
passed by the County Commissioners, determine to conduct construc-
tion and improvements on county roads with their own forces, regard-
less of the source of funds that are to be used to pay the cost of
such construction or improvements, [provided the estimated cost
of any such proposed project shall not exceed six thousand five
hundred dollars, but this proviso shall not apply to or affect Harford
County; and] provided [further] that the said county commis-
sioners shall file with the State Roads Commission within six
months after the end of each calendar year, or fiscal year if the
said County is operating on that basis, a complete report with respect
to each project constructed during said calendar year and/or fiscal
year, as the case may be, which shall include a full audit of all
accounts of said county commissioners relating to each said project,
and an engineering statement setting forth separately and in detail
all items of cost incurred.
This section shall not apply to those counties in which the State
Roads Commission maintains county roads when said Commission
shall determine to construct or improve county roads with its own
forces out of county funds regardless of the source of such funds,
provided the estimated cost of any such proposed project shall not
exceed $6,500.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1968.
Approved May 7, 1968.
(Senate Bill 471)
AN ACT to add new Section 251B to Article 77 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1965 Replacement Volume), title "Public Edu-
cation," subtitle "Chapter 26. University of Maryland," to follow
immediately after Section 251A thereof, to authorize the Univer-
sity of Maryland to sell or exchange certain agricultural properties
AGENCIES AND the approval of the Board of Public Works , TO
further that any consideration received from the sale of such
property shall be held for the account of the University of Mary-
land to be utilized for certain purposes and not applied to the
State Annuity Bond Fund Account.
Whereas, the Board of Regents of the University of Maryland
has determined that while some land presently held by the Univer-
sity for agricultural purposes is not presently suitable for optimum
use or further improvement, additional acreage will have to be
acquired, and other existing properties improved, for the develop-
ment of research facilities in various typographical regions of the