in the said compartments of said box, respectively, which bear the
number of election districts where the persons so selected, respec-
tively reside, and there shall then be drawn in the number herein-
before provided for the other counties. If 200 names are drawn, they
shall be drawn as follows: one name from compartment No. 1, two
names from No. 2, one name from No. 3, twenty-two names from
No. 4, twelve names from No. 5, two names from No. 6, forty-nine
names from No. 7, three names from No. 8, five names from No. 9,
three names from No. 10, one name from No. 11, three names from
No. 12, and ninety-six names from No. 13. If less than or more than
200 names are drawn, they shall be drawn in approximately the
same ratio. No names which may be so drawn to serve as a regular
juror in Montgomery County of any term of court shall be replaced
in said box for a period of two FIVE years thereafter.
12. Selection of grand and petit jury; foreman of grand jury;
(A) Of the forty-eight jurors drawn and summoned, the court at
the beginning of the term for which they were drawn and summoned
shall select and appoint one as foreman of the grand jury (except
that in Montgomery County THE GRAND AND PETIT JURORS
THE TERM OF SAID COURT AND the foreman shall be selected
BY THE COURT from the original panel of [five hundred] names,
with his name being included among the jurors drawn and sum-
moned and in Washington County the foreman shall be selected from
the list of names presently being used as a panel in said county, as
provided in Section 9 of this article), and shall direct the clerk, or in
Montgomery County the Jury Commissioner, of said court to legibly
write upon ballots the names of the remaining jurors, and after care-
fully folding said ballots separately to place them in a box with a
sliding top, and said clerk, or Jury Commissioner, shall draw said
ballots therefrom one at a time without looking into said box and the
first twenty-two names drawn, with the foreman previously ap-
pointed, shall constitute the grand jury, and the remaining twenty-
five names (or, in Harford, Montgomery and Washington counties
the remaining number of names) shall constitute the petit jury for
said term of court; whenever a vacancy shall occur in the position of
foreman of the grand jury, either temporary or permanent, by death,
absence, sickness or any other cause the court shall have power to
appoint some other member of the grand jury foreman as often as
the necessity for such appointment shall occur. If for any reason any
person or persons drawn as grand juror or grand jurors shall fail to
attend and be present at the conclusion of the drawing or be disquali-
fied or excused for cause the court shall forthwith proceed to fill such
vacancies from the aforesaid remaining number of twenty-five names
of those who are present in the order in which the names were drawn
from the box and may thereupon in its discretion fill such vacancy or
evidence thus made in the petit jury by drawing the necessary num-
ber of additional names therefor in manner provided by Section 10
of this article. In Charles, St. Mary's and Prince George's counties
the "pellet system" set out in Section 10 (f) and Section 10 (g) shall
be used in the selection of grand and petit jurors. In Calvert County
the system of marbles, balls or pellets, as set out in Section 10 (a-1)
shall be used in the selection of grand juries and petit juries. This
section is modified as to Allegany County, Dorchester, Wicomico,