SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 21
Towson State College:
To supplement the appro-
priation for "Construction
of new Gymnasium" as
shown on page 407 of the
Acts of 1964; Section 8 of
Chapter 159 of the Acts of
1964 being hereby repealed
to the extent that said work
may be undertaken upon
satisfactory assurances to
the Board of Public Works
that said project can be
completed with the aggre-
gate of the funds herein
and heretofore appropri-
ated for that purpose ........
To supplement the appro-
priation for "Construction
of a Classroom Building,
to include air conditioning
(equipment to be requested
later)......." as shown on
pages 1114 and 1115 of the
Acts of 1965; Section 8 of
Chapter 743 of the Acts of
1965 being hereby repealed
to the extent that said work
may be undertaken upon
satisfactory assurances to
the Board of Public Works
that said project can be
completed with the aggre-
gate of the funds herein
and heretofore appropri-
ated for that purpose ........
Contingent upon and
supplementary to Federal
funds being made available
to Towson State College for
construction of expanded
Library facilities, including
air conditioning, razing old
gymnasium and site im-
provements (equipment to
be requested later) ............
To supplement the appro-
priation for "Renovation of
Newell Hall Dormitory" as
shown on page 1115 of the
Acts of 1965; Section 8 of
Chapter 743 of the Acts of
1965 being hereby repealed
to the extent that said work