little harm in deferring action until something fair both to the
borrower and the lender can be formulated, with the active parti-
cipation of the Office of the Insurance Commissioner.
For these reasons, I am compelled to veto this bill.
Sincerely yours,
(s) Spiro T. Agnew,
Senate Bill No. 637—By Senator G. Hughes.
AN ACT to repeal Section 228 of Article 48A of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, (1964 Replacement Volume), title "Insurance",
subtitle "Unfair Trade Practices", and to re-enact a new Section 228
to stand in the place of the section so repealed and to be under the new
subheading "Coerced and Tie-in Sales Prohibited", to provide that it
shall be unlawful to require any person as a condition to the receipt
of a loan or any other consideration to buy insurance from any given
agent, broker or insurer; to prohibit any insurance transaction or
plan which is tied in with some other consideration; to prohibit the
public solicitation of combination plans, and providing generally for
the free choice of insurance.
Shall the bill pass notwithstanding the objections of the Executive?
The roll was called resulting as follows:
Mr. Speaker, Briscoe, Boyer, Athey, Lipin, Thomason, Burkhead, Connell, Anderson,
Fornos, Arata, Coolahan, Malone, Alpert, Jacobson, Nice, Deitrich, Hinkel, Jensen,
Hutchinson, Jones, Kardash, Schirano, Evans, Rush, Arnick, D'Anna, Minnick, Lowe,
Matthews (R. M.), Burkheimer, Dorman, Menes, Mothershead, Goodman, Hull, King,
Santangelo, Weile, Bagley, Giordano, McDonough, Hickman (C. M.), Remsberg, Virts,
Greer, Hess, Osborne, Hargreaves, Bonvegna, Bullock Dypski, Antonelli, Cassady,
Holub, McCarty, Orlinsky, Burns, Curran, Hergenroeder, Kent, Kircher, McQuade,
O'Brien, Abramson, Brailey, Dixon, Resnick, Spector, Freeberger, Rutkowski, Weisen-
goff, Wyatt, Grumbacher, Hoffman, Wright, Cronin, Scott, Bell, Blondes, Cook (E. P.),
Crawford, Docter, Zander, Wiser, Matthews (R. C), Yingling, Burgess, Long, White,
Aiken. Total—91
Fowler, Allen, Benner, Compton, Nimmerrichter, Hopkins, Price, Einschutz, Dize,
Mackie, Donovan, Houck, Walters, Adams (F. B.), Lee, Waxter, Avara, Murphy,
Donaldson, Clarke, Lady, Mclnerney, Whalen, Whitney, Becker, Aitken, Beall, Cook
(N. S.), Evans, Reed. Total—30
The Speaker announced the veto was not sustained.
June 22, 1967.
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates:
You have my sincere appreciation for the splendid manner in which
you conducted the major business of today's special session. You per-
formed your work expeditiously in removing the legal obstacle to appro-