SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 959
of another state, territory or foreign country, if, in the opinion of the
Board, the applicant's educational qualifications at the time of his or
her graduation fulfilled the requirements of this State at such time.
(d) Application for license under this subsection (d) must be
made before June 1, 1969. The Board may issue a license to practice
as a licensed practical nurse to any person who shall submit to the
Board written evidence, verified by oath or affirmation, that said
(a) (1) Is of good moral character.
(2) Has practiced practical nursing in this State for at least two
years within the five-year period immediately preceding June 1,
1967; provided such person passes a written examination adminis-
tered by the Board.
(e) The applicant applying for a license to practice as a li-
censed practical nurse shall pay the fee established by the regulations
of the Board. An additional fee, as established by such regulations,
shall be required for each re-examination.
(f) Any person who holds a license to practice practical nursing
in this State shall have the right to use the title "Licensed Practical
Nurse" and the abbreviation "L.P.N." No other person shall assume
such title or use such abbreviation or any other words, letters, signs
or devices to indicate that the person using them is a licensed prac-
tical nurse.
(g) Any person holding a certificate of registration to practice as
a practical nurse issued by the Board and which is valid on June 1,
1967 shall hereafter be deemed to be licensed as a licensed practical
nurse under provisions of this subtitle for so long as such certificate
is not revoked or suspended as provided herein.
(a) The license of every person licensed under the provisions of
this subtitle shall be renewed biennially QUINQUENNIALLY
BIENNIALLY. The fee for renewal shall be as established by the
regulations of the Board.
(b) Such renewal shall render the holder thereof a legal prac-
titioner of nursing for the period stated on the renewal form.
(d) (C) Any person practicing nursing during the time his or her
license has lapsed shall be considered to be practicing without a
license and shall be subject to the penalties provided for violations of
this subtitle.
(e) (D) A nurse who ceases to engage in nursing in this state shall
not be required to pay the renewal fee as long as he or she re-
mains inactive. Should said nurse wish to resume nursing at some
future time he or she shall so notify the Board and remit the renewal
fee for the current biennial period.
(a) An institution desiring to conduct a nursing education pro-
gram to prepare professional or practical nurses shall apply to the
(c) Any person who allows his or her license to lapse by failing
to renew the license as provided above by be reinstated by the
Board on payment of the renewal fee.