political club if all money expended by such club or in connection
with the costs or expenses of any campaign or election shall be paid
out by it only through a treasurer or subtreasurer as provided in this
article, or for volunteered time or personal vehicles or personal adver-
tising or costs and expenses incident to the expression of personal
views in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 26-9 (a) herein.
(f) Every person who shall, directly or indirectly, by himself or
through another person, make a payment, or promise of payment, to
a treasurer or subtreasurer, or candidate, in any other name than
his own, and every treasurer or subtreasurer or candidate who shall
knowingly receive a payment, or promise of payment, and enter the
same or cause the same to be entered in his accounts in any other
name than that of the person by whom such payment or promise of
payment is made.
(g) Every person who, being an employer, pays his employees
the salary or wages due in "pay envelopes," upon which there is
written or printed or in which there is enclosed any political motto,
device or argument containing threats, express or implied, intended
or calculated to influence the political opinions or actions of such
employees, or within ninety days of an election puts, or otherwise
exhibits in the establishment or place where his employees are en-
gaged in labor, any handbill or placard containing any threat, notice
or information that if any particular ticket or candidate is elected or
defeated, work in his place or establishment, will cease, in whole or
in part, his establishment be closed up or the wages of his employees
reduced, or other threats, express or implied, intended or calculated
to influence the political opinions or actions of his employees.
(h) Every person who shall be guilty of any corrupt practice
prescribed in subsections (b) to (g) above shall be fined not more
than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or be imprisoned for not more
than one year, or both, and shall be ineligible to any public office,
or public employment, for the period of four years from and after
the time of the commission of such offense.
26-20. Campaign literature.
It shall be unlawful and shall be deemed a corrupt practice for
any person, association, organization, committee or corporation to
publish or distribute or cause to be published or distributed any
pamphlet, circular, card, dodger, poster, advertisement or any
printed, multigraphed, photographed, typewritten or written matter
or statement or any matter or statement which may be copied by
any device or method now known for printing or copying or which
may hereafter be used for making copies of printed or written mat-
ter in any form whatever for publication or distribution, relating
to or concerning any candidate or prospective candidate for public
office, unless such pamphlet, circular, card, dodger, poster, advertise-
ment or other form of publication herein described contains the
name or names of the person or persons, association, committee or
corporation responsible for the publication or distribution of the
same, and if an association, committee or corporation is responsible
for the publication or distribution of the same, there shall be at-
tached the names of the officers of such association, committee or