SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 883
(c) Each board shall also cause to be printed on light cardboard
or heavysized paper, two or more copies of the form of the ballot
provided for each voting place at each election therein, in type of
the same size, which shall be called "specimen ballots"; and the
same number of copies of the form of the ballot label, printed on
similar material in type of the same size shall be furnished for each
voting place at which voting machines shall be used.
(d) On the morning of said election the boards shall cause to be
conspicuously posted in each polling place said cards of instruction
and specimen ballots, and one of said cards of instruction shall
be fixed in each booth or voting compartment, and the said
specimen ballots shall be conspicuously displayed in said polling
room and on the outside of the building wherein said voting shall
take place. Not less than one of said cards shall be placed inside
the curtain of each voting machine, and not less than one of each
of the same shall be securely and conspicuously posted on the out-
side of the building in which the polls are to be held, before the
voting begins, in such position that the same may be easily examined
by the public.
16-8. Voting machine custodians.
(a) Each board shall appoint a custodian of voting machines and
a deputy custodian whose duty it shall be to prepare the machines
for use. The custodian and deputy custodian shall be appointed
respectively from the majority party and the principal minority
party and their compensation shall be fixed by the board. Each cus-
todian, after assuming his office shall take a training course in
the operation and repair of voting machines at the factory of the
manufacturer of the machines used; and each deputy custodian shall
take a training course in making minor repairs to such machines
as soon as possible after assuming his duties. Additional custodians
may be employed as may from time to time be necessary, provided
that the number of custodians of the majority party shall not exceed
that of the principal minority party by more than one.
(b) The custodian and deputy custodians of voting machines
shall have the voting machines prepared for election purposes as
hereinafter provided and perform such other duties as may be pre-
scribed by the board.
16-9. Preparation of machines by custodians.
(a) The custodians and deputy custodians shall prepare all ma-
chines for use at any election and shall have the machines ready
by not later than seven days prior to the date of the election.
(b) On or before the fifteenth day preceding an election, the
board shall mail to the chairman of the city or county committee,
as the case may be, of each political party entitled under existing
law to participate in primary elections within such city or county,
a written notice stating the times when and the place or places
where the machines for use in the several polling places in the city
or county will be so prepared for use as above provided. At such
times and places, one representative of each of such political parties,
certified by the respective chairmen of the city or county commit-
tees of such parties, shall be entitled to be present and to see that
the machines are in proper condition and order for use.