SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 837
(2) Subdivide any election precinct in said counties or said city,
as the case may be;
(3) Change the boundaries of any election precinct in said
counties or said city, as the case may be;
(4) Designate such additional polling places in any such election
district or precinct as they may deem necessary.
(b) No precinct shall be created, nor any precinct boundary
change made, nor any additional polling places in any election
district or precinct be created, after the Tuesday which is thirteen
weeks prior to any primary election, nor shall any precinct be created
between any primary and general election.
(c) It shall be the duty of the board promptly whenever it
subdivides into precincts any election district, or subdivides _ any
election precinct, or changes the boundaries of any election precinct,
or designates additional polling places in any such election district
or precinct, to:
(1) Provide for and cause to be prepared such additional sets
of cards or loose-leaf pages as may be required for transcribing the
names of registered voters transferred to such newly established
precinct or polling place in any election district or precinct, and to
correct and transfer the registration forms or cards of the regis-
tered voters affected thereby.
(2) Notify the voters affected thereby by mail within thirty
days after such change of such transfer and change. A voter's
registration shall not be invalidated by such alteration or transfer,
nor shall the right of any voter be prejudiced by any error in filing
or in making out the list of voters or in making any change or
(d) (1) Each board at the time precinct lines are created or
changed under the authority of any provision of law, shall have a
reasonable number of maps prepared showing the new precinct lines
and shall adopt a resolution describing the precinct lines. One copy
of each of the resolutions and of the maps shall be filed with the
clerk of the circuit court of the county or the clerk of the Superior
Court of Baltimore City, as the case may be, and the Secretary of
(2) On or before January 1, 1968, each board shall file with
the Secretary of State a map showing the boundaries of all election
districts and precincts within the county or Baltimore City, as the
case may be.
3-1. Method of registration.
(a) After June JULY 1, 1967, continuous registration of voters
in the State shall be conducted continuously under the direction of the
various boards, except at such times when registration is closed as
required under this Article. Except as otherwise expressly provided
in this article, no places of registration need be provided in the
respective precincts, but all matters of registration may be conducted
in the office of the board.