SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 723
written request of the applicant or the surveyor setting forth the
reasons therefor. No such extension shall be for a period longer than
sixty days.
(c) Contents of certificate. The certificate returned by the sur-
veyor shall contain a composite metes and bounds description of the
alleged vacant land and/or the land to be resurveyed; the quantity
of any vacant land believed to be embraced within such survey and a
separate description thereof, referenced to a boundary of the
description of the entire tract; the quantity of any land resurveyed;
and a statement of the character and condition of any improvements
on any alleged vacant land, or a statement that no such improve-
ments exist. The surveyor shall certify that he has actually run and
measured the distance to each boundary; that all boundaries
referred to are at the end of the lines as expressed; that the plat
has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of subsection
(d); and that the plat and descriptions accurately reflect the con-
dition found by him to exist on the land.
(d) Form and contents of plat. The surveyor shall include as
part of his certificate a plat drawn accurately to scale and on a good
quality of tracing linen (or be blue prints or blue or black line prints
on linen), which shall contain the courses and distances of all the
outline or perimeter of the alleged vacant land and/or land resur-
veyed. The radii and chords of all curved lines shall be shown on
the plat by courses and distances and their tangent points located by
the coordinates hereinafter defined. The plat shall show a meridian
line drawn through one of the corners of the outline or perimeter of
the land and another line drawn at right angles to said meridian
through the same point. The meridian so drawn shall be either a true
meridian or the magnetic meridian of the date of the plat and so
marked on the plat. From the said meridian and right angle line all
of the courses and distances and coordinates shown on the plat shall
be calculated. The coordinates shall be the distance of a point from
each of the two lines drawn through the corner of the outline, as
above directed, measured on lines parallel with said meridian and
said right angle north or south, east or west of said corner, and those
distances shall be marked on the plat as the points where coordinates
are required. The plat shall also show the coordinates for each
corner of each avenue, road or street intersection and the tangent
point of all curved lines shown on said plat. No distance on the plat
shall be marked "more or less" except on lines which begin or ter-
minate or bind on a marsh, stream or any other body of water. The
plat shall show the position by coordinates of not less than four
markers set in convenient places on the land in such manner that
from the position of one marker the position of one other marker will
be visible. These markers shall be made of hard durable stone or of
concrete three feet of which shall be planted into the ground. From
these markers, commonly called "traverse points," all corners and
lines can be readily calculated and marked on the ground. If the
alleged vacant land and/or land resurveyed lies in an area where
a traverse or coordinate system is already established and the
traverse points of said system can be found and used, such points so
used and the coordinate values thereof shall be marked on the plat;
then the meridian courses and distances and coordinates required
herein shall be shown on the plat in accordance with those of the
already established traverse or coordinate system, and no markers
will be required. The plat shall reflect, by broken lines, the outlines