may cooperate with the State Fire Marshal in repairing, tearing
down, demolishing or otherwise remedying dangerous conditions in
a building or structure in the county, when the owner or occupant
has failed to comply with the Marshal's order after the specified
period of time. A tax lien in favor of the county shall attach to the
property on which the building or structure stood to the amount
of the expense of the work done by the county.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved April 14, 1967.
(House Bill 1008)
AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Commissioners of
Washington County to borrow an amount not to exceed Ten Mil-
lion Dollars ($10,000,000.00) and to issue notes and/or bonds
therefor, for the purpose of constructing new schools and making
additions and improvements to existing schools in Washington
County; exempting the bonds hereby authorized from all taxation
in the State of Maryland and requiring that all interest earned
on the investment of the proceeds of such bonds, prior to the
expenditure of such proceeds, be used either for the purpose for
which said bonds are issued or to pay the principle of and interest,
on said bonds; providing that after application of such interest
earned, if any, the County Commissioners of Washington County
shall levy ad valorem taxes in rate and amount sufficient to pay
the maturing principal and interest on said bonds, and providing
for the appointment of a school building commission and for its
powers and duties.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the County Commissioners of Washington County, a body cor-
porate, in order to provide funds for the purpose of constructing new
schools in Washington County, to make additions, improvements and
repairs to existing school facilities in said County, to purchase land
therefor and equip said schools, to pay architectural fees and other
professional fees in connection with such construction, repairs and
improvements, are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow,
from time to time, in such amounts as it shall deem necessary, money
on the faith and credit of said County, and to issue therefor notes or
bonds, provided that in the aggregate said notes and bonds shall not
exceed the sum of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) and provided
that said notes and/or bonds shall bear a rate or rates of interest not
exceeding five per centum per annum; and provided further that if
said money or any part thereof shall be borrowed by a note or notes,
such note or notes shall be signed by the President of the County
Commissioners and the Treasurer of Washington County and have
the seal of said county affixed thereto; and provided further that if
said money or any part thereof shall be borrowed by the sale of
bonds that said bonds shall be designated "School Construction and