SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 5
(House Bill 249)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 10 (g) of
Article 51 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition)
(1966 Cumulative Supplement), title "Juries," subtitle "Qualifica-
tion and Selection of Jurors," to change the maximum number of
selected jurors by increasing the maximum number of total jurors
to be selected and by increasing the maximum number of jurors to
be designated in the venire facias as to the first, second, and third
weeks' juries in Prince George's County.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 10 (g) of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edi-
tion) (1966 Cumulative Supplement), title "Juries," subtitle "Quali-
fication and Selection of Jurors," be and it is hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
(g) When said list of names is selected as directed in Section 9,
the procedure in Prince George's County shall be as follows: The
clerk of the court shall assign a number to each name on the list
ranging from one to not less than four hundred. Said clerk shall
procure a box of suitable size with pellets of uniform size, color, shape
and weight. Each pellet shall contain a number thereon correspond-
ing to the numbers on the list above referred to. The clerk shall
shake the box and the drawing shall take place in accordance with
the following provisions: The numbers drawn shall be not less than
127 nor more than [233] 300. The first 22 pellets so drawn shall
determine the selection of the grand jury except for the foreman,
and the remaining pellets shall determine the selection of the petit
jury, both for the term of court for which the drawing was made.
The foreman of the grand jury shall be selected by the court from
the panel of names used for such drawing. In the event that a
vacancy shall occur in the position of foreman of the grand jury,
either temporarily or permanently, by death, absence, sickness or any
other cause, the court shall have power to appoint some other member
of the grand jury as foreman as often as the necessity for such
appointment shall occur. If for any reason any person selected as a
grand juror shall fail to attend by reason of death, absence, sickness
or any other cause, or shall be disqualified or excused from serving,
the court may fill such vacancy by drawing the necessary number of
additional names in the manner prescribed by this section and by
Section 9 of this Article.
The names so drawn shall be duly recorded by the said judge or
judges or by the clerk in his or their presence and under his or their
direction, in the order in which they shall be drawn. Thereupon
forthwith the said judge or judges shall order a venire facias directed
to the sheriff of the county, commanding him to summon as jurors to
attend at the next ensuing term of said court the several persons
whose names may be drawn as aforesaid; and if any such persons
whose names are so drawn and are embraced in said venire facias
shall be dead, sick or otherwise unable to attend, or shall be absent
and therefore not to be found, it shall be the duty of the sheriff forth-
with to return the fact of such death, disability or absence to the