SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 455
In addition to appropriation shown on page 15
of the printed bill, to provide for salaries and
operating expenses to expand the Economic
Development programs to a satisfactory level
as follows: General Administration
Personnel Detail:
Item 11 Secretary II................ 2 9,080
Item 12 Secretary I ................ 1 4,040
Item 14 Clerk Typist III........ 1 4,290
Item 19—Chief of Public
Relations and Publications .... 1 12,920
Item 20
Public Information Officer II 1 7,800
Item 21—Economic
Development Analyst V ........ 1 11,080
Item 22—Senior Account Clerk 1 3,480
Total Salaries and Wages 52,690
Object .02
Technical and Special Fees .... 6,000
Object .03—Communication .... 8,050
Object .04 Travel...................... 3,994
Object .08
Contractual Services .............. 12,452
Object .09
Supplies and Materials ........ 1,144
Equipment—Additional ........ 8,241
Object .13—Fixed Charges .... 211
General Fund Appropriation ................ 92,782 Business and Industrial Development
Object.04—Travel .................. 100
Object .07—Motor Vehicle
Operation and Maintenance 20
Contractual Services ............ 11,153
Object .09
Supplies and Materials ........ 75
General Fund Appropriation ................ 11,348 Economic Research
Personnel Detail:
Item 3—Economic Devolopment
Analyst III................................ 1 8,180
Item 8--Secretary II.................. 2 9,080
Item 12—Economic Devolopment
Analyst V................................ 2 22,160
Total Salaries and Wages...... 39,420