Total General Fund Appropriation.................... 3,886,118
Total Federal Fund Appropriation...................... 63,695
Total Appropriation ............................................ 3,949,813
COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES General Local Health Services
This appropriation for general
health services in the political
subdivisions of Maryland is to be
portioned among the political
subdivisions of Maryland by a
formula based on estimated total
valuations of real and personal
property subject to local taxa-
tion as the measure of each sub-
division's ability to pay for its
health services. Such total val-
uations for each subdivision shall
be estimated by the State De-
partment of Assessments and
Taxation and certified to the
State Commissioner of Health.
An estimated budget for mini-
mum health services shall be cal-
culated for each political subdi-
vision. Each subdivision's share
of its own minimum budget shall
be that percentage of half the
total estimated minimum budg-
ets of all subdivisions which
that subdivision's total estimated
real and personal property val-
uations bear to the total esti-
mated real and personal prop-
erty valuations of all subdivi-
sion's. Each political subdivi-
sion's share of the funds avail-
able to the State Department of
Health is the difference between
the total estimated budget for
that subdivision and that subdi-
vision's appropriation; however,
no subdivision shall pay more
than 80% of its minimum budg-
et nor less than 20%. The State
Commissioner of Mental Hy-
giene shall be responsible for
acting on the portions of plans
and budgets which provide for
mental health services. The
State Commissioner of Health
shall be responsible for acting
on plans and budgets for all