SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 319
Any person having the necessary qualifications prescribed in this
article to entitle him to registration shall be eligible for such regis-
tration although he may not be practicing his profession at the time
of making his application.]
Application for registration as a Professional Engineer, for certi-
fication as an Engineer-in-Training, for registration as a Professional
Land Surveyor or for certification as a Land Surveyor-in-Training
shall be on a form prescribed and furnished by the Board; shall
contain statements made under oath showing the applicant's educa-
tion and a detailed summary of his technical experience; shall con-
tain not less than five references, of whom, for a Professional
Engineer or Engineer-in-Training applicant, three or more shall,
unless excused by the Board, be professional engineers having per-
sonal knowledge of his engineering experience and, for a Professional
Land Surveyor or Land Surveyor-in-Training applicant, OR FOR A
unless excused by the Board, be professional land surveyors having
personal knowledge of his land surveying experience; and shall con-
tain or be accompanied by any other relevant material or information,
such as a certificate issued by the National Board of Engineering Reg-
istration, or its successor. The following shall be considered as mini-
mum evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant is qualified
for registration as a professional engineer, or professional land sur-
veyor, or for certification as an engineer-in-training, or a land sur-
LINE SURVEYOR, respectively.
(a) As a Professional Engineer:
(1) Graduation from an engineering curriculum of four scho-
lastic years or more or their equivalent approved by the Board;
a specific record of an additional four years or more of experience
in engineering work of a character satisfactory to the Board and
indicating that the applicant may be competent to practice engineer-
ing (in counting years of experience, the Board at its discretion
may give credit, not in excess of one year, for satisfactory graduate
study in engineering); and the successful completion of an eight-
hour written examination in the fundamentals of engineering and
of an eight-hour written examination in the principles and practice
of engineering. A person who has successfully completed the exam-
ination in the fundamentals of engineering as an engineer-in-training
shall be considered to have successfully completed the examination
in the fundamentals of engineering required by this section. Where
the evidence presented in and with the application does not appear
to the Board to warrant the admission to the examination, the ap-
plicant may be required to present further evidence for the considera-
tion of the Board; or
(2) Graduation from an engineering curriculum of four scho-
lastic years or more or their equivalent other than the ones ap-
proved by the Board; eight years or more of additional experience
in engineering work of a character satisfactory to the Board and
which indicates to the Board that the applicant may be competent
to practice engineering; and the successful completion of an eight
hour written examination in the fundamentals of engineering de-