Resolved, That the Governor is hereby requested to direct the
heads of relevant State agencies to coordinate all State wetlands
development projects through the Board of Natural Resources and
that the Governor is hereby requested to urge the chief executives
of the State's political subdivisions to coordinate all local wetlands
development projects through the Board of Natural Resources; and
be it further
Resolved, That the State Planning Department is hereby requested
to advise the planning and zoning agencies of the State's political
subdivisions as to the General Assembly's concern for proper wet-
lands management and the need for adequate provision for wetlands
conservation in local zoning ordinances; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution are sent to the Governor
of Maryland, the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer, com-
prising the Board of Public Works, and the Director of the State
Planning Department, the Chairman of the Board of Natural Re-
sources and each of the State conservation agencies represented on
the Board, and the Director of the Department of Economic
Approved May 4, 1967.
No. 33
(House Joint Resolution 4)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a Com-
mission to continue and to extend the work of the 1966 Governor's
Commission to Study the Educational Needs of Handicapped
Children in Maryland.
Whereas, the Governor's Commission to Study the Educational
Needs of Handicapped Children, after intense study and lengthy
consideration, has prepared a report including many constructive
recommendations for the improvement of the State's Special Edu-
cation Program for all of Maryland's mentally and physically handi-
capped children; and
Whereas, there is a need to establish a more permanent Com-
mission to study, pursue, expand, and extend the work of the 1966
Commission and to provide for the development of Maryland's
Special Education Program under the five year plan outlined in the
report of the said Commission; and
Whereas, this Commission should have a professional staff to con-
duct needed research for the Special Education Program; and
Whereas, such a Commission should have a tenure sufficient to
fully accomplish its work; and
Whereas, the Commission should be composed of individuals
familiar with the problems of handicapped children, now, there-
fore, be it
Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland that the Governor
is requested to appoint a Commission to continue the work of the