(0) Maryland Educational-Cultural
Television Commission:
Construction of educational
television Production Studio
and Control Center—Balti-
more :
Construction ........................................ 1,275,000
Site improvements .............................. 25,000
Total—Maryland Educational-Cultural Televi-
sion Commission.................................................. 1,300,000
GRAND TOTAL...................................................... 141,061,600
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all unexpended funds
remaining from completed projects authorized under this Act
shall be transferred to the Annuity Bond Fund and shall be applied
to the debt service requirements of the State, said transfer to be made
one year after the date of the final acceptance of the projects by the
State, said date of final acceptance to be certified in writing to the
Board of Public Works by the Department of Public Improvements
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That any furniture, fixtures
and/or equipment authorized to be paid for from the sales of the
Certificates of Indebtedness authorized by this Act shall be, where
possible, manufactured or produced by the State Use Industries
operated by the Department of Correction, in accordance with the
provisions of Section 679 of Article 27, Annotated Code of Maryland
(1966 Supplement).
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That, except as otherwise
provided in this Act, no department, board, commission, agency of
institution specified or named in this Act shall begin any work with
funds secured pursuant to the provisions of this Act unless satisfac-
tory assurances are made to the Board of Public Works that the
work described in the individual terms in this Act can be completed
with the Funds specified for each such item respectively.
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That where Federal funds may
be available to help accomplish any specific projects in this Act, the
using department or agency shall be obligated to seek the allocation
of such Federal funds to apply to the cost of the particular project.
In seeking approval of the Board of Public Works for award of a
contract under a specific appropriation under this Act, the using
department or agency shall formally advise the Board of Public
Works that efforts have been made through proper administrative
procedures to obtain such Federal funds, and the reason, if any, why
the Federal funds were not obtained. Availability of Federal funds
where allocated is intended to defray the cost of the approved project,
not expand its scope, except in the case of projects of the Depart-
ment of Forests and Parks. These latter projects may be expanded in