SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1681
(L) St. Mary's College of Maryland:
To supplement the appropriation for "Construction
of a Gymnasium" as shown on page 1113 of the
Acts of 1965 and the appropriation for "Construc-
tion of swimming pool addition to new Gymnasium"
as shown on page 850 of the Acts of 1966; Section 8
of Chapter 743 of the Acts of 1965 and Section 8 of
Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1966 being hereby
repealed to the extent that said work may be under-
taken upon satisfactory assurances to the Board of
Public Works that said projects, including site
improvements, can be completed with the aggregate
of the funds herein and heretofore appropriated
for that purpose ........................................................ 334,600
(M) State Colleges:
(1) Frostburg State College:
(a) To supplement the appro-
priation for "Construction
of a new Science Building,
including utilities and site
improvements (equipment
to be requested later)" as
shown on page 2109 of the
Acts of 1963; Section 8 of
Chapter 903 of the Acts of
1963 being hereby repealed
to the extent that said work
may be undertaken upon
satisfactory assurances to
the Board of Public Works
that said project can be
completed with the aggre-
gate of the funds herein
and heretofore appropriated
for that purpose ................ 161,000
(b) To supplement the appro-
priation for "Construction
of Women's Dormitory (ap-
proximately 200 beds), in-
cluding site improvements"
as shown on page 407 of the
Acts of 1964; Section 8 of
Chapter 159 of the Acts of
1964 being hereby repealed
to the extent that said
work may be undertaken
upon satisfactory assur-
ances to the Board of Public
Works that said project can
be completed with the ag-
gregate of the funds herein
and heretofore appropri-
ated for that purpose ........ 141,000