to five per cent (5%) or more WHETHER HELD IN AN INDI-
VIDUAL OR CORPORATE CAPACITY of the full cash value of
such property [,] exclusive of all mortgages, deeds of trust, liens and
encumbrances, and shall also set forth the names of all contract pur-
chasers and all those persons holding A MORTGAGE, A DEED OF
TRUST, OR an option to purchase such property; provided, how-
ever, that the aforegoing time limitation and name requirement shall
not apply to applications filed by the district council or by the
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved May 4, 1967.
(Senate Bill 142)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 13A (4)
(a) (1) of Chapter 780 of the Acts of 1959, as last amended by
Chapter 433 of the Acts of 1965, said section being also Section
72-18 70-17 (4) (a) (1) of the Montgomery County Code, 1960,
1965, title "Montgomery County," subtitle "Chapter 72. Maryland
National Capital Park and Planning Commission," subheading
"Article 1—In General," and being also Section 59-14 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Prince George's County (1963 Edition),
title "Prince George's County," subtitle "59. Park and Planning
Commission," to amend the conflicts of interest requirements
applicable to the members of the Park and Planning Commission
in order to clarify the type of interests in property which will pro-
hibit members of the Commission from acting in regard thereto.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 13A (4) (a) (1) of Chapter 780 of the Acts of 1959,
as last amended by Chapter 433 of the Acts of 1965, said section
being also Section 72-18 (4) (a) (1) of the Montgomery County
Code, 1960, title "Montgomery County," subtitle "Chapter 72. Mary-
land National Capital Park and Planning Commission," subheading
"Article 1—In General," and being also Section 59-14 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Prince George's County (1963 Edition), title
"Prince George's County," subtitle "59. Park and Planning Commis-
sion," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
to read as follows:
13A (72-18; 59-14).
(4) (a) No commissioner shall:
(1) Decide or participate in a decision in which he has a financial
interest, whether as owner, member, partner, officer, employee, stock-
holder, or other participant of or in any private business or pro-
fessional enterprise, that will be [affected] benefited by such deci-
sion, nor shall a commissioner knowingly participate in a decision
[affecting] benefiting the financial interest of a person related to