SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1241
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 14 of Article 74 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1966 Supplement) title "Pilots," be and it is hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
No pilot shall charge or receive any greater or less reward or
compensation for his services as such than follows: For piloting any
vessel drawing fifteen feet of water or over, from any river or port of
the State to the sea or to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal or to
any other river or port in this State, or coming from the sea or from
the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and bound to any river or port
of this State, [eleven dollars fifty cents ($11.50)] twelve dollars
twenty-five cents ($12.25) for each foot of water the vessel may draw;
provided that should any vessel have a draft of less than fifteen feet,
the pilotage charge shall be computed on a fifteen-foot draft; and
further provided, that vessels requiring in excess of fourteen hours,
but less than sixteen hours, between commencement of pilot service
to completion of pilot service, shall pay the regular pilotage charge,
plus one-half pilotage charge, the one-half pilotage charge not to
exceed the fifteen foot minimum charge, for such pilotage service;
vessels requiring in excess of sixteen hours, between commencement
of pilot service to completion of pilot service, shall pay two pilotage
charges for such pilotage service. Vessels requiring more than four-
teen hours between commencement of pilot service to completion of
pilot service due to weather and/or government regulations shall not
be subject to more than the regular pilotage charge. Vessels bound
directly between the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and sea, or
between any river or port of the State south of the Severn River
and the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, shall pay two pilotage
charges for such pilotage service. The Board of Pilot Examiners
shall establish rates for special pilotage service not contrary to the
provisions of this article. The rates for any such special pilotage
service, however, shall not exceed the rate established for pilotage
under this article.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved April 21, 1967.
(House Bill 647)
AN ACT to add a new subsection (7) to Section 76 of Article 89B
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964 Replacement Volume),
title "State Roads," subtitle "Duties and Powers," to follow im-
mediately after subsection (6) thereof, relating to the payment by
the State Roads Commission for the cost of the relocation, etc. of
utilities made necessary by the construction, reconstruction or im-
provement of highways within the national system of interstate
and defense highways.