number of votes in the general election shall be declared elected as
mayor. The five candidates for councilman with the highest number
of votes in the general election shall be declared elected as council-
38. Preservation of ballots.
All ballots used in any town election shall be preserved for at least
six months from the date of the election.
39. Vacancies.
In case of a vacancy on the council for any reason, the council shall
elect some qualified person to fill [such] the vacancy for the unex-
pired term. In case of a vacancy in the office of mayor for any rea-
son, the council shall elect some qualified person to fill the vacancy
for the remainder of the unexpired term. Any vacancies on the
council or in the office of mayor shall be filled by the favorable votes
of a majority of the remaining members of the council. The results
of any such vote shall be recorded in the minutes of the council.
40. Women.
Women shall have equal privileges with men in registering, voting,
and holding town offices. Whenever the masculine gender has been
used as to any registering, voting, or holding town office, it shall be
construed to include the feminine gender.
41. Regulation and control.
The council [shall have] has the power to provide by ordinance in
every respect not covered by the provisions of this charter for the
conduct of registration, nomination, and town elections and for the
prevention of fraud in connection therewith, and for a recount of
ballots in case of doubt or fraud.
42. Penalties.
Any person who [(a)] (1) fails to perform any duty required of
him under the provisions of this [subtitle] subheading or any or-
dinances passed thereunder, [(b)] (2) in any manner wilfully or
corruptly violates any of the provisions of this [subtitle] subhead-
ing or any ordinances passed thereunder, or [(c)] (3) wilfully or
corruptly does anything which will or will tend to affect fraudu-
lently any registration, nomination or town election, [shall be
deemed] is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any officer or employee of the
town government who is convicted of a misdemeanor under the pro-
visions of this section shall immediately upon conviction thereof
cease to hold such office or employment.
43. Clerk-Treasurer.
There shall be a clerk-treasurer appointed by the mayor with the
approval of the council. He shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor.
His compensation shall be determined by the council. The clerk-
treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the town. The finan-
cial powers of the town, except as otherwise provided by this charter,
shall be exercised by the clerk-treasurer under the direct supervision
of the mayor.