J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 987
(14) Community services. To provide, maintain, and operate
community and social services for the preservation and promotion
of the health, recreation, welfare, and enlightenment of the inhabi-
tants of the town.
(15) Cooperative activities. To make agreements with other
municipalities, counties, districts, bureaus, commissions, and govern-
mental authorities for the joint performance of or for cooperation
in the performance of any governmental functions.
(16) Curfew. To prohibit the youth of the town from being in
the streets, lanes, alleys, or public places at unreasonable hours of
the night.
(17) Dangerous conditions. To compel persons about to under-
take dangerous improvements to execute bonds with sufficient sure-
ties conditioned that the owner or contractor will pay all damages
resulting from such work which may be sustained by any persons
or property.
(18) Departments. To create, change, and abolish offices, de-
partments, or agencies, other than the offices, departments, and
agencies established by this charter; to assign additional functions
or duties to offices, departments, or agencies established by this
charter, but not including the power to discontinue or assign to any
other office, department, or agency any function or duty assigned by
this charter to a particular office, department, or agency.
[(19) (Disorderly Houses.) To suppress bawdy houses, disor-
derly houses and houses of ill fame.]
[(20)] (19) Dogs. To regulate the keeping of dogs in the town
and to provide, wherever the county does not license or tax dogs, for
the licensing and taxing of [the same] them; to provide for the dis-
position of homeless dogs and of dogs on which no license fee or
taxes are paid.
[(21)] (20) Elevators. To require the inspection and licensing
of elevators and to prohibit their use when unsafe or dangerous or
without a license.
[(22)] (21) Explosives. To regulate or prevent the storage of
gunpowder, oil, or any other explosive or combustible matter; to regu-
late or prevent the use of firearms, fireworks, bonfires, explosives,
or any other similar things which may endanger persons or property.
[(23)] (22) Filth. To compel the occupant of any premises,
building, or outhouse situated in the town, [when the same] if it has
become filthy or unwholesome, to abate or cleanse the condition; and
after reasonable notice to the owners or occupants to authorize such
work to be done by the proper officers and to assess the expense
thereof against [such] the property, making it collectible by taxes or
against the occupant or occupants.
[(24)] (23) Finances. To levy, assess, and collect ad valorem
property taxes; to expend municipal funds for any public purpose; to
have general management and control of the finances of the town.
[(25)] (24) Fire. To suppress fires and prevent the dangers
thereof and to establish and maintain a fire department; to contribute