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for the state sending such delinquent juvenile; (4) provide that the
sending state shall at all times retain jurisdiction over delinquent
juveniles sent to an institution in another state; (5) provide for rea-
sonable inspection of such institutions by the sending state; (6) pro-
vide that the consent of the parent, guardian, person or agency en-
titled to the legal custody of said delinquent juvenile shall be secured
prior to his being sent to another state; and (7) make provision for
such other matters and details as shall be necessary to protect the
rights and equities of such delinquent juveniles and of the cooperat-
ing states.
ARTICLE XI—Acceptance of Federal and Other Aid
That any state party to this compact may accept any and all
donations, gifts and grants of money, equipment and services from
the federal or any local government, or any agency thereof and from
any person, firm or corporation, for any of the purposes and functions
of this compact, and may receive and utilize, the same subject to
the terms, conditions and regulations governing such donations,
gifts and grants.
ARTICLE XII—Compact Administrators
That the governor of each state party to this compact shall desig-
nate an officer who, acting jointly with like officers of other party
states, shall promulgate rules and regulations to carry out more
effectively the terms and provisions of this compact.
ARTICLE XIII—Execution of Compact
That this compact shall become operative immediately upon its
execution by any state as between it and any other state or states
so executing. When executed it shall have the full force and effect
of law within such state, the form or execution to be in accordance
with the laws of the executing state.
ARTICLE XIV—Renunciation
That this compact shall continue in force and remain binding upon
each executing state until renounced by it. Renunciation of this
compact shall be by the same authority which executed it, by sending
six months notice in writing of its intention to withdraw from the
compact to the other states party hereto. The duties and obligations
of a renouncing state under Article VII hereof shall continue as to
parolees and probationers residing therein at the time of withdrawal
until retaken or finally discharged. Supplementary agreements entered
into under Article X hereof shall be subject to renunciation as pro-
vided by such supplementary agreements, and shall not be subject
to the six months' renunciation notice of the present Article.
ARTICLE XV—Severability
That the provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any
phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to
be contrary to the constitution of any participating state or of the
United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency,
person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder
of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government,