J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 897
juvenile or delinquent juvenile and his counsel or guardian ad litem if
any, by executing or subscribing a writing, in the presence of a judge
of the appropriate court, which states that the juvenile or delinquent
juvenile and his counsel or guardian ad litem, if any, consent to his
return to the demanding state. Before such consent shall be executed
or subscribed, however, the judge, in the presence of counsel or guard-
ian ad litem, if any, shall inform the juvenile or delinquent juvenile
of his rights under this compact. When the consent has been duly
executed, it shall be forwarded to and filed with the compact adminis-
trator of the state in which the court is located and the judge shall
direct the officer having the juvenile or delinquent juvenile in cus-
tody to deliver him to the duly accredited officer or officers of the
state demanding his return, and shall cause to be delivered to such
officer or officers a copy of the consent. The court may, however,
upon the request of the state to which the juvenile or delinquent
juvenile is being returned, order him to return unaccompanied to such
state and shall provide him with a copy of such court order; in such
event a copy of the consent shall be forwarded to the compact admin-
istrator of the state to which said juvenile or delinquent juvenile is
ordered to return.
ARTICLE VII—Cooperative Supervision of
Probationers and Parolees
(a) That the duly constituted judicial and administrative author-
ities of a state party to this compact (herein called "sending state")
may permit any delinquent juvenile within such state, placed on pro-
bation or parole, to reside in any other state party to this compact
(herein called "receiving state") while on probation or parole, and
the receiving state shall accept such delinquent juvenile, if the parent,
guardian or person entitled to the legal custody of such delinquent
juvenile is residing or undertakes to reside within the receiving state.
Before granting such permission, opportunity shall be given to the
receiving state to make such investigations as it deems necessary.
The authorities of the sending state shall send to the authorities of
the receiving state copies of pertinent court orders, social case studies
and all other available information which may be of value to and
assist the receiving state in supervising a probationer or parolee
under this compact. A receiving state, in its discretion, may agree
to accept supervision of a probationer or parolee in cases where the
parent, guardian or person entitled to the legal custody of the delin-
quent juvenile is not a resident of the receiving state, and if so ac-
cepted the sending state may transfer supervision accordingly.
(b) That each receiving state will assume the duties of visitation
and of supervision over any such delinquent juvenile and in the exer-
cise of those duties will be governed by the same standards of visita-
tion and supervision that prevail for its own delinquent juveniles re-
leased on probation or parole.
(c) That, after consultation between the appropriate authorities
of the sending state and of the receiving state as to the desirability
and necessity of returning such a delinquent juvenile, the duly ac-
credited officers of a sending state may enter a receiving state and
there apprehend and retake any such delinquent juvenile on proba-
tion or parole. For that purpose, no formalities will be required, other
than establishing the authority of the officer and the identity of the
delinquent juvenile to be retaken and returned. The decision of the