(House Bill 288)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 572A(d)
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Allegany County (1963 Edi-
tion, being Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland),
title "Allegany County," subtitle "Nursing Home," as said section
and subtitle were enacted by Chapter 5 of the Acts of the Special
Session of March 11, 1964, amending the laws concerning the Nurs-
ing Home Board of Allegany County in order to give to the Board
a power to borrow money for the general purposes of the Board
and providing for the use and repayment of such funds.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 572A (d) of the Code of Public Local Laws of Allegany
County (1963 Edition, being Article 1 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland), title "Allegany County," subtitle "Nursing
Home," as said section and subtitle were enacted by Chapter 5 of the
Acts of the Special Session of March 11, 1964, be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
(d) The Board shall establish, maintain, and operate a nursing
or convalescent home or homes and any other facilities and service
necessary for the proper care and treatment of aged, convalescent,
and chronically ill residents of the county and shall have the following
powers and duties:
(1) To accept gifts, legacies, bequests or endowments for purposes
of the Board. Unless otherwise specified by the donor making such
gift, legacy, bequest or endowment, the Board, in its discretion, may
expend both principal and income of any such gift, bequest, legacy
or endowment to support the Board's program;
(2) To acquire and hold real and personal property by any means,
including land, other than land being used as a cemetery or burial
ground, which the County Commissioners may decide and are hereby
authorized to convey to the Board, and to preserve and administer
such properties;
(3) To provide adequate facilities and services for the care and
treatment of the aged, convalescent, and chronically ill citizens of
the county. These facilities and services may include physical care,
medical, nursing, recreational, rehabilitative, special education, and
other similar activities, and, in addition, dissemination of information
relative to causes and prevention of chronic and debilitating illnesses;
(4) To charge such fees for admission to and maintenance in such
facilities and for use of such services as may support the facilities and
services subject, however, to the provision that where aged, conva-
lescent, and chronically ill residents of the county are in need of such
facilities and services and are unable to pay the full cost of such care,
then the charges to such residents shall be in direct proportion to
their ability to pay for the services, and in determining the ability to
pay for services, the Board's decision shall be final;
(5) To apply all monies, assets, property or other things of value
it may receive to the general purposes of the Board;