trusted or committed or transferred to it or vested in it by the
order of any court of the State, and to take and receive and hold
any property or estate, real or personal, which may be the subject
of any such trust.
Ninth: To exercise, by its directors, duly authorized officers or
agents, all such powers as shall be usual in carrying on the business
of banking; by buying, discounting and negotiating promissory
notes, bonds, drafts, bills of exchange, foreign and domestic, and
other evidences of debt; by receiving deposits of money upon which
interest may be paid; by buying and selling coin and bullion; by
buying and selling exchange, foreign and domestic; by purchasing,
investing in and selling exchange, foreign and domestic; by purchas-
ing, investing in and selling stocks, bills of exchange, bonds and mort-
gages and other securities; by becoming the owner and lessor of
personal property acquired upon the specific request of and for the
use of a customer, provided, however, that the overall aggregate of
such property purchased for the use of any one customer shall not
exceed ten per cent (10%) of the unimpaired capital and surplus
of the trust company, and the overall investment of the trust
company in such property leased to all lessees shall at no time
exceed one hundred per cent (100%) of its unimpaired capital
and surplus; by accepting for payment at a future date, drafts or
bills of exchange drawn upon it, having not more than six months
to run, which grow out of transactions involving the importation or
exportation of goods, or which grow out of transactions involving
the domestic shipment of goods, provided shipping documents con-
veying or securing title are attached at the time of acceptance, or
which are secured at the time of acceptance, by a warehouse receipt
or other such document conveying or securing title covering
readily marketable staples; by accepting drafts or bills of exchange
drawn upon it having not more than three months' sight to run, by
banks or bankers in foreign countries or dependencies or insular
possessions of the United States for the purpose of furnishing dollar
exchange as required by the usages of trade in the respective countries,
or insular possessions, provided that it shall not accept such drafts or
bills of exchange for the purpose of furnishing dollar exchange for
any one bank or banker to an amount exceeding in the aggregate ten
per centum of the paid-up and unimpaired capital and surplus of the
accepting company unless the draft or bill of exchange is accompanied
by documents conveying or securing title or by some other adequate
security, and provided further that it shall not accept such drafts or
bills of exchange for the purpose of furnishing dollar exchange in an
amount exceeding at any time the aggregate of one-half of its paid-
up and unimpaired capital and surplus; by issuing letters of credit
authorizing the holders thereof to draw drafts upon it or its cor-
respondents at sight or on time not exceeding one year; and when
moneys or securities for moneys are borrowed or received on deposit,
or for investment, the bonds or obligations of the company may be
given therefor, but it shall have no right to issue bills to circulate
as money.
Tenth: To be appointed and to accept the appointment of ex-
ecutor or of trustee under the last will and testament, or admin-
istrator, with or without the will annexed, of the estate of any
deceased person, and to be appointed to act as the committee of the
estate of lunatics, idiots, persons of unsound mind and habitual