6 laws of Maryland [ch. 3
(Senate Bill 53)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 1 of
Article 68 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1965 Supplement),
title "Notaries Public", amending the laws concerning residence
requirements for those notaries public who are appointed as
official court reporters by any court of the First Judicial Circuit
comprising the circuit courts in the counties of Worcester,
Wicomico, Somerset, and Dorchester.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 1 of Article 68 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1965 Supplement), title "Notaries Public," be and it is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
1. The Governor on the approval of the application by the Sena-
tor of the county or legislative district of Baltimore City in which
the applicant resides, shall appoint and commission in his discretion
and judgment any number of persons, male or female, at least
eighteen (18) years of age, of known good character, and integrity
and abilities, citizens of the United States, and who have resided
in this State for two (2) years previous to their appointments as
notaries public for the State of Maryland; provided that such resi-
dence requirement shall not be applicable to persons appointed as
an official court reporter by any court of Baltimore City; and the
residence requirement shall not be applicable to persons appointed
as an official court reporter or court stenographer by any court of
the First Judicial Circuit, comprising the Circuit Courts in the
counties of Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset, and Dorchester. The
term of office of notaries public shall be two years and shall begin
on the first day of July of the year 1965 and of each odd-numbered
year thereafter. In the case of a person who is holding a notary's
commission and wishes to renew it, a formal application for renewal
is not necessary; in such event a notification to the Secretary of
State of the name and address of the person, together with the
written approval of the Senator of the county or legislative district,
is a sufficient application for renewal, and the renewal shall be
issued subject to the other provisions of this article. Notification
of renewals of notary commissions shall be mailed to the notaries
public in envelopes addressed by the office of the Secretary of State
when requested by the State Senator. When addressed envelopes
are not so requested, lists of notaries public receiving renewed com-
missions shall be delivered to each State Senator.
No distinction shall be made between male and female applicants,
who shall take the oath of office before the clerk of the circuit court
for each of the counties in the State, and the clerk of the Superior
Court in Baltimore City, respectively, and shall receive a com-
mission signed by the Governor and Secretary of State under the
great seal of the State. They shall pay the sum of five ($5) dollars
for each commission so issued, to the treasury of the State of Mary-
land, and the further sum of fifty cents (50c) to the clerk for the
registration of the name and address of each of the said notaries