(Senate Bill 565)
AN ACT to add new Section 70A to Article 41 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1965 Replacement Volume),title "Governor—Execu-
tive and Administrative Departments", subtitle "I. The Executive
Department", to follow immediately after Section 70 thereof, and
Whereas, it is essential to the peace and welfare of the community
that public as well as private efforts be made to stamp out this un-
scrupulous practice, which utilizes and promotes panic, fear, and
hate, usually for purposes of financial profit; and
Whereas, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the State of
Maryland, in the exercise of its police power for the protection of
public safety, general welfare, for the maintenance of business and
good government, and for the promotion of the State's trade, com-
merce and manufactures to protect all its citizens and property
owners from the efforts of "blockbusters"; now therefore
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Section 230A be and it is hereby added to Article 56 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1964 Replacement Volume), title "Li-
censes", subtitle "Real Estate Brokers", to follow immediately after
Section 230 thereof, and to read as follows:
230A. (a) It is unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or
association, whether or not acting for monetary gain, knowingly to
induce or attempt to induce another person to transfer an interest
in real property, or to discourage another person from purchasing
real property, by representations regarding the existing or potential
proximity of real property owned, used, or occupied by persons of
any particular race, color, religion, or national origin, or to repre-
sent that such existing or potential proximity will or may result in:
1. The lowering of property values; 2. A change in the racial, reli-
gious, or ethnic character of the block, neighborhood or area in which
the property is located; 3. An increase in criminal or antisocial be-
havior in the area; or 4. A decline in quality of the schools serving
the area. It shall also be a violation for any licensed real estate broker
or real estate salesman, or any agent of such broker or salesman, to
purchase any real property which such broker or salesman has
previously offered for sale, within six months of the period that
such broker or salesman offered such property for sale.
(b) A violation of this section is a misdemeanor, punishable upon
conviction by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or
imprisonment for one year, or both; and a conviction of any real
estate broker or real estate salesman for a violation of this section
shall be considered as constituting his or her unworthiness to con-
tinue to act as such in the State of Maryland. Such a conviction shall
be referred to the Maryland Real Estate Commission for action.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1966.
Approved April 29, 1966.