J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1359
Tri-County Week should be proclaimed and inaugurated by the
Governor of Maryland with all due ceremony. The cooperation of
the Department of Economic Development, and of the Department
of Chesapeake Bay Affairs and other State agencies would be wel-
come in assisting the Council and in coordinating other events with
Tri-County Week; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That His Excel-
lency the Governor of Maryland proclaim Tri-County Week, for a
date to be set by the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland,
and enlist the aid and cooperation of agencies of the State of Mary-
land; and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to His Excellency
J. Millard Tawes, Governor of Maryland.
Approved May 6, 1966.
No. 18
(Senate Joint Resolution 21)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Fiscal Research Bureau to
study and report on the expenditure of Federal funds in the State
of Maryland.
The members of the General Assembly of Maryland request the
Fiscal Research Bureau to study and report on the existing and po-
tential programs for the expenditure of Federal funds in the State of
The device of Federal grants in aid which was begun with one or
two programs more than forty years ago now has mushroomed into
an amazing proliferation of plans and programs for the grant of
Federal monies to the several states.
These programs on their surface frequently have an alluring ap-
peal to the states. They seem to offer the promise of lots of money
with no problem of taxation. Many of our people approach the
question of these grants with the easy generalization that "Some-
body is going to get the money, and it may as well be we."
More and more, however, the people of this State are beginning to
realize there may be sharp questions of public policy in participating
in the constantly increasing number of Federal grants in aid. We
witness, for example, the Anti-Poverty Program which starts off on
the basis of a 90% -10% split in sharing the cost, with the Federal gov-
ernment taking the higher share. By next year, however, this for-
mula may be on a 50%-50% basis, and states then would be forced to
make vast expenditures for which they may be ill-prepared.
There are other questions of policy in addition which cast sharp
problems of public policy. Thus, in the current program for the
beautification of roads, Maryland is assured that it may receive
as much as $6,000,000.00 from the Federal government in this pro-
gram. The cost to the State of eliminating billboards and unsightly
development along the roads could very conceivably be far more
than the money realized.