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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1330   View pdf image (33K)
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1330                                 LAWS OF MARYLAND                         [CH. 750

party making payment. At the time of filing any account the Chief
Clerk shall pay over to the County Council the amount of said fines,
forfeitures, penalties, fees and costs received. All payments required
by law to be made to the Department of Motor Vehicles or to the
State of Maryland shall be promptly made in accordance with law
and with such regulations consistent therewith as the said Depart-
ment of Motor Vehicles or the Comptroller of the State of Maryland,
respectively, shall prescribe. All monies received from the imposi-
tion of fines, forfeitures, penalties, fees and costs shall be promptly
deposited in a bank account maintained in the name of the Chief
Clerk in his official capacity where they shall be retained until pay-
ment is made thereof to the officials to whom they are due.

194-L 210K.

(a)    In addition to the Chief Clerk, there shall be appointed such
clerks as the Chief Judge and the County Council determine to be
necessary, who shall receive such salaries as the Wicomico County
Personnel Board may fix. All such clerks shall be subject to the
personnel regulations as approved by the County Council pursuant to
the applicable provisions of the County Charter.

(b)    The County Council of Wicomico County is authorized and
directed to
annually appropriate an amount sufficient for the proper
and effective administration and housing of the People's Court.

The laws which have been enacted previously concerning the right
of appeal from justices of the peace and justices of the peace desig-
nated as trial magistrates in Wicomico County shall continue in all
respects to be effective as to the People's Court of Wicomico County
herein created.

194 N 210M.

Any Judge of the People's Court shall be removed or retired
from office under the same conditions and provisions as apply to
Judges of the Circuit Court in this State.

194-O 210N.

(a) The Chief Judge of the People's Court shall be paid after
the termination of active service, if he is then at least seventy
(70) years of age, or when he becomes seventy (70) years of age,
or salary calculated at the rate of four hundred dollars ($400.-
00) per annum for each year, or any part thereof, of active
service as a Chief Judge of the People's Court up to and including
eighteen (18) years of such active service, so that the maximum
pension or salary for such service payable hereunder to any one
person shall not exceed the sum of seven thousand two hundred
dollars ($7,200.00) per annum. No Chief Judge eligible hereunder
for a pension shall receive such pension as long as he is engaged in
the practice of law, but in the event he should thereafter relinquish
such practice and notify the County Council of such fact, then,
from and after the date of such notification, the Chief Judge shall be
entitled to all the benefits provided by this section.


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1330   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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