J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1067
Commission", subheading "Article I. In General", be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
(a) The commission [is authorized and directed to establish a
merit system or classified service] shall put into effect the merit
system adopted pursuant to this section. In it shall be included all
the employees of the commission, except the commissioners, the heads
of the several departments and the ALL assistant general counsel.
[The commission further is authorized to make such rules and regu-
lations as, in its judgment, are necessary and proper to carry out the
provisions of this section. The rules and regulations from time to time
may be abolished, supplemented, changed, or amended; except that
any such rule and regulation and any change in them or addition to
them shall not be effective until it has been approved by the State
Commissioner of Personnel.]
(b) For the purpose of making and adopting the rules and regula-
tions necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, there is cre-
ated the Merit System Board of the Maryland-National Capital Park
and Planning Commission. The Board shall consist of five persons?
APPOINTED BY THE COMMISSION. Two members of the Board
shall reside in and be selected by the members of the Commission
from Montgomery County, one of whom shall be one of the Mont-
gomery County members of the Commission and the other of
whom shall be selected by these Montgomery County members
from outside their number, who shall have knowledge of or expe-
rience in personnel administration. Two members of the Board
shall reside in and represent Prince George's County and shall be
selected by the members of the Commission from Prince George's
County, one of whom shall be one of the Prince George's County
members of the Commission and the other of whom shall be selected
by the Prince George's County members from outside their number,
who shall have knowledge of or experience in personnel administra-
tion. The fifth member of the Board shall always be the person who
is the State Commissioner of Personnel. The four members of the
Board representing the counties of Montgomery and Prince George's
shall serve for terms of four years each beginning on June 1, 1966.
Vacancies on the Board are filled in the same manner as for the mak-
ing of original appointments. If in 1966 or in any fourth year there-
after, the appointments of any or more of the four county members
required herein have not been made as provided herein, on and after
July 1 the Governor of Maryland shall appoint one or more qualified
persons to the Board.
(c) As soon as possible after its appointment in 1966, the Board
shall prepare and adopt comprehensive rules and regulations govern-
ing the operations of the Merit System for Commission employees.
The Board in its discretion shall determine the scope and applicability
of the regulations, and any exemptions therefrom, within the restric-
tions of this section. The regulations may be abolished, supplemented,
changed or amended from time to time by the Board in its discretion.
Upon adoption of a comprehensive plan and any subsequent modifi-
cations, they shall become effective upon filing with the Commission.
(d) The Commission shall make available to the Board its records,
facilities and any employees necessary in the preparation of rules
and regulations.