Commissioners. The said County Commissioners in their next annual
levy shall levy said tax on all land and improvements and all other
property assessed for county tax purposes within the respective sani-
tary district, which tax shall be levied and collected and have the same
priority rights, bear the same interest and penalties and in every
respect be treated the same as county taxes. The tax so levied for the
ensuing year shall be collected by the tax collecting authorities and
every sixty days they shall remit the whole amount of the tax so
collected to the Commission. From the money so received, together
with the amount in hand to the credit of said bond fund, the Com-
mission shall first pay all interest and principal on said bonds as it
becomes due, and shall then deposit the residue of said moneys in
some bank or banks in said County to the joint credit of the County
Commissioners and the Commission. The Commission is authorized
to pay the interest on any bonds it may issue out of the proceeds of
the sale of said bonds, but not more than one year's interest may
be so expended.
In order that the prompt payment of interest and the proper
provision for the payment of the principal of said bonds shall be
assured, the prompt and proper performance of the respective acts
and duties heretofore defined is specifically enjoined, and any failure
upon the part of any person, persons, body corporate or agent to
perform the necessary acts and duties hereafter set forth, to pay
over the said funds as required, or to use said funds or any part
thereof for any other purpose than for the payment of the principal
and interest on said bonds, is hereby declared a misdemeanor and
punishable as other misdemeanors are punishable by Section [21]
195 of this sub-title.
The Commission shall provide for each and every property abutting
upon a street or right-of-way in which under this Act a water main
or sewer is laid, a water service pipe or sewer connection, which shall
be extended as required, from the water main or sewer to the
property line of the abutting lot, said service pipe or connection with
sewer shall be constructed by and at the sole expense of the Com-
mission, but subject to reasonable charge for said connection as
provided in Section [11] 185 of this sub-title, which said charge shall
be paid by all property owners at the office of the Commission before
the actual connection with any pipe or private property is made.
When any water main or sewer is declared by said Commission
complete and ready for the delivery of water or the reception of
sewage, every abutting property owner, after due notice, shall make
a connection of all spigots or hydrants, toilets and waste drains with
said water main or sewer within the time prescribed by the Com-
mission. Where the aforesaid fixtures do not exist, or are of a nature
which, in the judgment of the Commission, is improper or inadequate,
satisfactory equipment shall be installed by the owner on the
premises consisting of at least one water closet and one sink or
wash basin, both of which shall be properly connected with the
sewer of said Metropolitan Commission. All cesspools, sink drains
and privies located on properties connected to sewers provided by
the Commission shall be abandoned, closed and left in a sanitary
condition so that no odor or nuisance shall arise therefrom. Any
violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor
punishable under Section [21] 195 of this sub-title.